Page 83 of The Promise

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“See!” a male called out. “I knew this shit was gon’ happen!”

“Oh, shit!” another swore as bodies around began shifting, moving out of our way.


“Hold up, Sin!”

“Nah, Sin!” Antoine’s fat ass leaped into my peripheral. “We family. Don’t do it!”

“We tried to talk to him!”

“Fuck! Fuck!”

“Shit, Sin!”

“No!” The shocked reactions kept flying around me, transitioning me into the animal I was so fucking familiar with. The one I loved. The one that devoured.

“No, Jas!” I recognized as Chels’ cry of terror. That’s when I knew I had to shut down and get this shit done quickly. I’d already got it popping.

My calculation was off with that jab. I let it go too prematurely, which was how I missed his mouth, and he didn’t feel what I wanted him to. But now, he knew I was on his ass. Ty didn’t waste a minute getting into position. He jumped back, throwing them in the air.

“Yeah!” he grunted. “Been ready for this.” His chin was down, and fists near his face.

I danced with him for a few seconds, appreciating the cocky ass grin on his face. His hook came fast, catching me in the chest.

“Fuck!” someone shouted.

The shit even had the nerve to wind me on impact. That was the motivation I needed to go gorilla on his ass. I stepped into his personal space and threw a right, landing on his eye. Ty swung and then quickly dipped, rushing for my legs. I knew the move and kneed his ass perfectly against his heavy launch. That shit sent his ass backward and me, too; the blow was so hard. I caught my balance, righting my weight, then quickly followed up with a hard ass hook as he leaned back, catching his fall. That one weakened his knees, and I caught him with a nice left that sent a sheet of blood gushing into my chest, neck, and chin. That’s when I knew I had his ass and blacked the fuck out, throwing blows until the bitch was on the ground.

“Wait, Jas!”


“Oh, my god!”

“Back the fuck up!” I recognized Man’s voice. “You get close, you get caught!” he warned the small crowd around, a heeding I hadn’t heard in years, and the shit amped my fucking pulse even more.

“Jas! Please stop! Please stop!” a sob cut to my core, but there was no stopping now.

Fuck that!

I ignored all the pleas from the outside, serving this nigga all the shit I’d been trying to suppress since the first time he saw her at Tanya’s crib and grabbed her by the elbow while grabbing his nuts. This bitch knew she was mine; he learned about it in the pen. When he saw her at a family member’s house, my fucking name was attached to every goddamn piece of her rep, let alone each inch of her body.

Dropping my weight on his bloated ass stomach with my knee, I heard the air push from his chest. The cracking sound of his skull meeting the cement told me the pussy was where I needed him to be. I kept going, pounding his fucking head, my knuckles connecting hard as shit with the bones of his fucking face.

“Sin! Hol’ up! Hol’ the fuck up!”

I laughed when Ty groaned beneath me, fucking accepting his penalty.

The greasy ass comments.

The slick eyes on her ass.

The licking of his fat ass lips in her face.

This bitch been trying my chin for months.

The nigga wanted this.
