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Blinking hard and still reeling from an adult “spanking,” I muttered, “I’m afraid to move. I don’t want to break…”

“Nah. You’re on the music rack,” he explained with curled lips. “That can hold you.”

“And what about my feet?”How long can I sit on this hard surface before my ass begins to burn?

Gently, he swung my legs toward the left, placing my feet at the corner of the opened top. “They’ll be good here,” Tobias murmured, before returning to his seat on the bench.

While trying to find a place to relax my hands, I heard the first of the melody. Tobias began playing a tune I soon recognized as the one he’d been playing when I interrupted him. Fighting my way to comfort, I struggled to get out of my head about the awkward act we’d just committed. Tobias just spanked me. A man struck me.On my ass, though… Was it punitive? If it was, was I okay with it? This is Tobias. Tobias Elliott. He’d never hurt me.

But hespankedme.

And I liked it…

I was, once again, affected by the vibe of the tune. It was as though each note compelled me to a new orbit. It was seductive and provocative and rich. Time disappeared. Spa time with the girls was but a foreign memory. Despair, my real-world attendant, was at a comfortable distance. No calls from my home in North Carolina. No calls regarding my life in North Carolina. I wondered if the world was on fire outside of thisSamsarahome, would peace be this dominant while lost in this space with Tobias? That’s what this music did. It ensconced me. Us. And it was also bewitching, allowing me to transport to wherever I wanted.

Except I didn’t want to leave. Didn’t want to escape this space. I wanted closeness with my friend. Finding anchoring stability on the piano, I managed to lean into him. Tobias’ eyes were closed as he played. His head swayed, but I could capture him if given a few inches. I didn’t have too much work to do. His eyes opened, almost sensing me. They were alert, yet thick and smoldering.

My heart galloped against the wall of my chest as I inclined just a bit more to make clear my intention. As predicted, Tobias met my emotional need and pushed his lips against mine. My body trembled with anxiousness. It had been months since I’d been kissed. The last donor of the affection was the man himself. So soon into the embrace, I told my brain to calm itself. Tonight, I wanted to push the bounds of his willpower. Except, the moment I parted my lips, ready to taste his mouth, he pulled away. Hands still tapping the keys fluidly.

Tobias’ attention was keenly fixed on me when he evenly warned, “I’ve been here playing for five hours, fantasizing about your name and mine being on the deed of this house.” His words poured like sweet honey from a jar, slow and voluminous. “I’ve been telling myself this was an ordinary day, and I’d wait for you to get home from work.” The key transitioned higher. “This is what a creative, desperate mind can conjure. That’s how bad I want you. I’ve spanked you.” His jaw clenched with tension. “Your tongue in my mouth again’ll push me over the fuckin’ edge, Lennox.”

My heart twisted, stung from the rejection. I lifted my torso, trying to reign in my emotions. Maybe he wasn’t ready. Clearly, he’d put some thought into it. But we’d kissed several times over the past eighteen months. Embarrassed, I turned my head away as Tobias continued to play. Self-doubt had been a familiar foe, Tobias being a prime example of defeat to it.

Within seconds, I felt his big hand at my ankle, pulling it from the wooden corner. My head whipped down, and I watched as he played with one hand, using the other to arrange my right foot over his left shoulder. My left foot followed as I gripped the shiny wood for anchorage. He hiked it onto his right shoulder. Instantly, I was bare to him but for my thong panties. The scent and heat of my arousal was now aired out directly to this man. The position mortified and further roused me.

Tobias’ penetrating gaze seared me as he played beneath my open thighs. I could feel each flex of his shoulder when he reached for a distant key. He wanted me to watch him while I was opened…to him. Not once did he look between my legs, not that it took much effort to see down there. I could feel my nipples swell and push against the fabric of the off-the-shoulder dress. My breathing hiked; breasts lifted toward the ceiling as I balanced myself on the tiny board inside the opened piano.

When he leaned in and pressed his soft lips against my knee, I shivered. His electrical touch so reverent, Tobias didn’t stop there. As his hands finessed the keyboard, his mouth busied up my quivering thigh. The strain to keep still now elevated the ache in my butt. I endured the torturing pleasure until he arrived inches from the seat of my panties then stopped and began on my other thigh at the knee.

Tobias paid the same sensual patience, traveling up my inner thigh. I clenched my misted palms around the raw wood of the instrument, eyelids fluttered at the teasing pleasure. Each decadent second of carnal sensation made me feel like a novice. Like a prisoner denied sunlight for twenty-three hours of the day, like an incubated child without maternal touch, I felt deprived of intimacy. But tonight, I’d received every ounce made available to me.

I was so swollen, so wound up. Between the tenderness of my cheeks, the music enchanting my mind, and Tobias’ gifted touch of intimate places on my body, I was teetering on the edge of insanity. When he pushed his mouth into the bed of my panties against my engorged sex, my neck gave out and head collapsed backward. A forceful gush of air broke through my throat.

Perceptively, I could feel the muscle of his tongue push into the wet, silk material. It swiped weightily against my clit. And then again. And again. Each time he lashed against it, pleasure mounted until my feet pushed against his shoulders, hips lifting to meet his strokes. This wasn’t good. This wasn’t me. But this man was me. He’d been the closest thing I’d had to a friend and emotional refuge virtually since I’d known him.

Cognizing a man this close to me—between my legs—while playing beautifully at a piano, sent my mind adrift. My body floated, lifting in venery. Nyles Davis’ descriptive expression whispered over the sirens blowing in my mind. “For hours, I tongue-kissed your essence, pleased you, squeezed the juices from your damn soul as you screamed and moaned.”

“Tooobeeee!” I cried out as an onslaught of delicious tremors impaled first my core, then blossomed out to my chest, legs, and arms.

Every doubt, insecurity, and regret haunting me daily silenced as I cried his name over and over while my stomach contracted, and feet curled over his hard shoulders.And he playedon. The music never ceased; the cadence never dropped as I lived through a blissful bodily explosion.

As I came down, trying to wait out the fog from a powerful orgasm, Tobias soothed my discomfit with a line of suckling kisses down my right thigh. My heaving was just under control when he made it to my left one. Only, I wasn’t soothed; the oral care revved my hunger all over again. I think Tobias knew. His pining gaze was on me again between my propped legs.

Having never heard this song, I believed I was Tobias’ number one fan, knowing all of his published music. I’d researched them all when he re-entered my world three years ago. That being said, this nameless, unfamiliar track vibrating beneath my tender ass was indisputably my favorite of them all.

Tobias reached up, and with two forceful yanks, ripped my panties. Leaving the bed of them hanging low near the keys, his right hand resumed playing the piano. The chords changed. Tobias began a new song. My mind was too preoccupied to truly appreciate the switch, with his blazing eyes observing and busy mouth working up my thigh again.

I watched as his tongue snaked out in slow motion and swiped inside my swollen lips. My belly contracted again, understanding what was taking place. I wondered who was this woman controlling my bold behavior here in Jersey; now, I questioned who was the man. There was a fire in Tobias’ eyes—an unapologetic hunger and confidence I wasn’t accustomed to—even having known him previously as a lover. My, how things had changed.

Evident in his touch, Tobias was skilled beyond music. But this shocking reveal blew my mind. He was eating me with slow mastery, being sure to explore each unseen inch. He flapped, twisted, and curled his tongue, never missing a nerve ending. This time, he didn’t just focus on my clit; Tobias explored me, teaching me where pleasure could be hidden.

When he was ready, he found my nub, and pounded it with the firm tip of his tongue. As pleasure mounted, I did recognize the new song. “Spread My Wings.” His version was slower, more dramatic. And so was my orgasm as I lifted until I reached my crescendo in his face, flying high.



