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I’d always been comfortable confiding in my grandmother. She’d been my rock since I could remember. My family unit was tight, but most shit I only shared with her. Grandma was the type to trivialize every problem in the world, and try to explain why nothing was worth stressing over. So, in an event like this, she’d invite my uncle into my shit. I wasn’t interested today.

“Knock what off?” The O.G. flexed. His eyes bounced between the two of us. After being in and out of prison since I was a baby, and after doing a sixteen-year bid the last time, Smite assumed the role of the enforcer in our family. As a grown ass capable man, I didn’t need protecting, but my grandmother did. So, when I got her house done over a few years ago, I asked him to stay with her. She was getting older, and I didn’t want any surprises happening here as far as she was concerned. He agreed; and provided groceries and paid some of the utilities. I took care of everything else. I could sleep at night knowing he was here with his nose clean. “You good. Right?”

“When am I not good?”

“I ‘on’t know. When somebody die. Raj pops’ good?” Smite asked.

“Yeah.” I nodded. “He’s been straight since that hospital stay.”

“Then it’s Lennox.” The muscles in his face dropped. “You seen her?”

I nodded, annoyed by the topic, as my grandmother hummed.

He turned to me. “Today?” When I didn’t answer, just stared at him, he followed up with, “Lil’ Lennox was in Jersey?”


“Where she stay?”

“With me.” I could have regretted that truth but didn’t. Lennox didn’t want people to know each time she was in town, but it was silly to deny this time because she came to every homecoming.

Smite blinked. “She been by to see Chino?”

My grandmother’s gaze rose to hear the answer.

Lennox’s father, Chino, and my uncle were locked up at the same time during his last bid. They were close on the streets since they were younger. Both in their fifties now, they were considered O.G.’s in Essex County and beyond. They could still pull rank if needed. Smite knew the complexities of my history with Lennox, and so did Chino.

“I don’t think so. No.”

Smite whistled with wild eyes. “You had Chino’s daughter up here this week, fuckin’ her, and Chino don’t know?”

“Ant-uhn!” My grandmother grunted, shifting up in her chair. “You ain’t say she let you smell it, young man!”

“I’m out.” I headed toward the kitchen. “You got the plate fixed, Grandma?”

“Yeah, but wait a damn minute here!”

“You got a whole healthy-ass chef at home. Why you coming to get Mommy’s Sunday dinner?” Smite inquired to my back. “Ah, damn, nephew. You really fucked up, homie!”


“You sure, Daddy?”

I stood outside of my car, happy theBluetoothtransferred. Reaching back inside, I grabbed my to-go plate. I snorted, “Why do you keep asking me that?”

Elia laughed. “I don’t know. Because you sound different.”

I closed the door then headed inside the garage. “You sound like Granny earlier.”

I could hear the breath she sucked in. “You went to see Granny today?”

“Yeah. I’m coming from Irvington now. Got a plate.”

“A plate? Where’s Pedro?

“He’s been off for a few days. He’ll be back tomorrow. Why?”

“Because he cooks you that healthy stuff.”
