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“Either way, this can go reasonably smoothly, as you’re not asking Mr. Richardson for anything but the dissolution.” Precisely. And it wasn’t because Kelvin had anything. He’d never built an empire with hisLeaguemoney. Besides, I didn’t marry him for profit. I had no agenda, unlike him. I only wanted to be loved and to provide it. The last of any significant money Kelvin possessed had been used to try to save the houses he purchased. Icouldn’trequest anything because the man hadnothing. My husband was the cautionary tale of uncultured men getting drafted with no knowledge of how to preserve or grow their salaries. “However—” When Daphne pulled in another heap of air, my stomach twisted with anxiety. I knew it was an indicator of incoming bad news. “—if he’s as combative as you’ve described, this process can turn taxing for both parties.”

“You said he doesn’t have to sign anything for the divorce to happen,” I reminded her.

“This is true. However, there is a process. You and Mr. Richardson still live together.” She thumbed through the stack of papers, documentation of my existence on each sheet. “Your property is owned by you, which is great. You don’t have to concern yourself with an expedited move. And there is a minor in question.”Scott… “According to his custody agreement, you’re the sole guardian.”

I was recorded as the only legal guardian, but that wasn’t the plan. We were both supposed to be in court that day, but Kelvin never showed. In fact, he disappeared for over thirty-six hours. I vividly recalled my trepidation that day. I’d known and cared deeply for Scott, but signing up to be his guardian was one of the most frightening experiences I’d ever had. He’d been living with us for some time by then, but actually signing up to be legally responsible for him—alone—was daunting.

“I am.” I nodded.

“If Mr. Richardson wants to shake the table, he could challenge that. You may want to rethink your commitment to the minor. The monthly stipend you receive for his care could motivate his uncle’s claim for him.”

This was why it had taken so long for me to pursue this divorce. I didn’t just learn of the concept recently. It wasn’t sex with Tobias or another trip to homecoming that motivated the idea for me. It was Scott, and the precarious details surrounding his care. I’d somewhat gotten attached to the kid. I wanted better for him than what Kelvin and Kelly-Ann would be able to supply. Stability, emotional safety, and trust were elements Scott needed in his care. The money the state provided him would be squandered. I’d never taken a dime of it. Each month, the money is routed into a vehicle for his future.

It was something I’d still been fighting Kelvin over. He’d been requesting access to it since I signed for legal guardianship. His favorite line when I denied him was how Scott was his real nephew and not mine. So, yes. Daphne’s premonition was correct. Kelvin would contest custody. Perhaps a judge would side with his claim since he was a blood relative.

I murmured, “I understand.” My head spun with all the ugly fears I’d been carrying since Scott had come to live with us.

“But first thing’s first.” Daphne handed the stack of documents to a waiting clerk as my damp palms gripped the sides of my chair. “You need to be physically separated from Mr. Richardson for a minimum of one year and one day. Your complaint will include his drug abuse and combativeness. It’s time to create a physical distance. The state of North Carolina requires it.”

I realized I’d been rubbing my lips together as I nodded.

Another year before I was free; technically, three hundred sixty-six days. And finally asking Kelvin to leave could get messy. What would happen to Kelly-Ann? While I couldn’t give a shit if she stayed or left, lifting the band-aid from trauma could risk the stability of living in it for so long. If I was really doing this, I had to do it. Pieces of the board would be moved and eliminated. I had to muster the courage to allow it to be. The table would shake.

“Lastly, Mrs. Richardson.” My head snapped up to Daphne. “You’re not requesting anything like assets or alimony from Mr. Richardson; however, you do have your property and a salary out-earning him. If this is the case when it’s time to file, he can also make it difficult by requesting alimony. Some men have pride that won’t allow this. However, vindictive men will request the shirt off your back. It could be for something as simple as power or as reasonable as infidelity.” My jaw dropped. “I’m respectfully saying, until the divorce is absolute, conduct yourself in a manner that will protect you.”


Was that what Tobias represented? Did me, finally choosing us, put me at risk of finally breaking loose from this hellish nightmare I’d been living?

I was finishing up on aWhatsApptext conversation with an engineer in Ghana when something instinctual had my head lifting. It was Chino Brim, sauntering into the formally decorated reception area, nearing me. He stopped, face screwed as recognition kicked in.

“Yo,” was how he greeted me.

“Chino,” I returned, offering him a shake instead of dap, sensing his guard up from my presence.

Lennox acquired her height from her father. She was five feet and three inches, which was only three inches shorter than her old man. Like him, she had an oak skin tone. However, hers wasn’t marred by years of hard living: physical combat, gang tattoos, a hot temperament creating a permanent scowl, or chain smoking staining her lips and teeth like Chino. She’d also inherited his hair—thick, long, and silky curls. The man closely resembled a Compton Crip instead of a Jersey Blood, hence the name Brim. That was his local set. It was eerie how much my girl favored a man feared by countless people around the way.

He tossed his chin in the air. “Whatchu’ here for?”

“To visit Pastor Williams like you.”

“Since when you come see Mom Dukes?” His brows formed a straight line.

In my rash decision to finally return here, I damn sure didn’t calculate running into this guy. This was exactly why it is never good to act on emotions. I typically stayed three steps ahead in planning, always expecting every possible outcome. It was similar to my thoughts on what state of mind Pastor Williams would be in today. I had to plan for everything and expect nothing. So, now, with the bully of E.O. conjuring volatile, high-energy fuel to spit fire my way, I had to be prepared. Uncle Smite being Chino’s close friend didn’t make me immune to his contempt. Just like with any other hot-headed goon, I had to stand ten toes down.

I was not afraid of Chino Curry. I showed him respect because of Smite and Lennox. That should not have been confused for fear, similar to other old ass men or young cats my age. I’d beat the living shit out of Chino’s old head ass and wouldn’t think much more of it. But that was impossible. No matter how estranged Lennox and Chino’s relationship, I couldn’t violate her father’s G card like that. I also couldn’t bring conflict to Smite.

So, thoughtfully, I pushed against the tension by asking, “How is she today?”

“Since when do you come see Mom Dukes?” he repeated.

It had been a few years; five to be exact. When she was first transitioned here, I came almost right away out of respect. Although I’d stopped fucking with Pastor Williams that summer after she kicked my young ass to the curb when Richardson came into the picture—and she found out I was trying to date her granddaughter—hearing she’d lost some of her faculties pinched at my humanity. The first visit was hard because she was heavily medicated. She was new to the place, and they were still adjusting the treatment plan for her. Pastor Williams didn’t recognize me, but I doubt she had many “present” days back then from her changes. I told her and myself I’d return. It didn’t happen any time soon.

Guilt had finally mounted in my heart, and I returned almost two years later. That visit hit different because Pastor Williams was on a better concoction of meds fit for her condition. She was coherent but had no recollection of me. The woman even prayed for me. I didn’t know how to take that, and gave up on visiting her again. Besides, I carried a conflict in my heart. I’d still been angry.

“I’ve been to see her since she’s been here.”

“Why?” Chino’s glaring only sharpened.

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