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“Of course,” I returned stiffly.

“On paper—what Lennox has shared about you all these years sounds…unbelievably promising.”

“For her, I am, Doc.”

“Tell me something about you I don’t know. Give me something real.”

“She’s your client, Doc. She’s probably told you all of it. But from my heart to your ears, she’s mine. However you can fix her ‘scary, must do things by the therapist’s book’ ass to ease her into this reality—her reality—make that happen. Do it. I’ll take it from there.”

Every facial muscle of hers seemed to have suspended. “Okay,” she sang, expelling air. “Then, let’s start with Elia. If you don’t mind, share with me your feelings on what happened last week between Lennox and…” She looked down at her tablet. “Krista.”

I took a deep breath, chest tightening at the memory. I’d heard from Lennox only three times since dropping her off at the airport to get back home that Friday. I already didn’t want to send her home, hating to resume the distance. And I damn sure didn’t want to after the blow up with Krista. It was too dangerous. And not because Lennox was upset, but because I was fucking pissed.

My baby girl stood at the top of the steps, scared, and crying at her mother engaging in a vicious, verbal war with a stranger. This all happened in her daddy’s home. At the core of the nasty fight? Her daddy. And while my baby cried, I remained on post with the stranger. My life was so fucking complicated when it came to Lennox. Apparently, she had been my priority over my own fucking daughter that day. The shit had been fucking with me ever since. No one stood with Elia, yet I stood right by Lennox’s side. I’d since apologized to my daughter for the whole ordeal, specifically about that. Of course, my baby girl told me she forgave me and was fine. However, as a man, I’d been sitting in this shit. Stewing in my weakness.

Lennox Curry…

Lennox texted me when she’d gotten home safely. Then she randomly sent a text at three the following morning, reminding me of how much she appreciates me and wanted to continue to build on what we had. She apologized for her behavior that day and her feelings. She took full accountability, and told me she’d do the work to be better for Elia and me. Of course, she said much more. Her text was a fucking novel, but I abstracted what I needed from it.

“You mean the undying dilemma with the love of my life…” I scoffed. Feeling defensive and angry, I wiped the sides of my mouth. “My requited love has returned to my world, only to reveal she can’t accept the baby that broke us up in the first place.”

The therapist’s smile was knowing as she shook her head. “You know Elia wasn’t the reason you and Lennox didn’t pursue your relationship back then. At least, that’s not what she’s shared with me.”

“Yeah, but if you’re telling me Lennox didn’t mention me having a baby on the way back then being a dealbreaker for her, then she hasn’t been as open as you’re requesting of me right now.”

“Yes. I’m aware of Krista being pregnant at a precarious time. I do understand how it played into the ‘break up.’ It was an ingredient, not the whole soup. Lennox can deduce the timing of Elia’s conception.”

“It didn’t sound like it at all that day.”

She leaned over her crossed legs. “Perhaps that’s because this was her first time seeing Elia. From what I’ve gathered from Lennox, she was on emotional overload with having you support her at the last minute on Thanksgiving. Then, finding possible pieces to the next step in her life with the job and realtor on the same day. She felt you two made emotional and sensual strides toward unity, something she’s not had in a very long time.” She nodded softly, with gentle understanding. “And she saw your pride and joy. Lennox described Elia as your twin. She couldn’t stop raving about how gorgeous she is.”

Then her hands abruptly shot into the air. “I should have began this conversation by informing you that Lennox provided full consent for me to share her words about this topic. I was happy, hoping if you heard her perspective from a neutral party, perhaps it would resonate differently.”

Chewing on the inside of my mouth, I nodded, trying to process everything. Much of what the therapist said, Lennox had put into that long ass text last week.

“What do you have to say about that?”

“What, in particular?”

“About her willingness to have me share her perspective with you.”

I nodded, now understanding the question. “It makes sense.”

“What does?”

“Why she would push for me to see her therapist. Why she would ask you to convey her feelings after she showed her little ass in front of my daughter last week.”

“Why is that?”

“Because she still wants me, and needs your approval for that single fact.”

Her eyes opened wider. “You think Lennox seeks the approval of others? I don’t believe that’s a fair judgement. I was hoping she’d get a friend to vent to for emotional exchange and positive influence. I was thrilled she found that in you a few years ago.”

I shook my head. “No. Lennox don’t need nobody’s approval for shit.” I chuckled. “The woman’s an independent thinker to the point of a fuckin’ rebellion now.” When the therapist’s face cracked into a smile, I knew she agreed.

She nodded. “This is going to be a journey—for you all. But I do believe our girl can navigate the muddy waters to get where she wants to be.”

“And where’s that?”
