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Chapter One

Ven hauled her carryon with her as she checked the airline information. She stopped at a map and bit her lip as she tried to figure out where the counter was. She ended up going to the information desk and showed the airline information.

The older man smiled. “Come with me, miss.”

She followed him to a small alcove that had the airline’s name. She thanked him. The woman behind the counter looked at her skeptically and then took her passport for identification. She tapped it in and blinked. “Oh, Miss Venetia. Excellent. Please, come with me.”

The woman left her alcove, and there was no one to take her place.

Ven followed her with her carryon bumping along behind her on worn wheels.Where the hell are we going?There was a security scan ahead of her, and her bag was scanned while she walked through the scanner; she was the only person in line.

“Where are we going?” Ven asked the woman.

“To the plane, miss.”

They were in a hangar. There was a sleek plane settled in the shade.

“The rest of your party is on board.”

Ven paused in her tracks. “Oh. Them. Right.”

She took her carry-on with her and climbed the unfolded steps. There was a flight attendant who took her bag and gestured for her to enter the cabin. She walked in, wearing her leggings, baggy shirt, and jacket.

She moved cautiously into the cabin and saw one sandy and one dark head in close conversation. The alpha kissed the sandy-haired omega and met her gaze. Her features were far more feline than his were. He softly said, “She’s here.”

Syar jumped out of his seat and turned toward her. “Venetia. You came.”

She nodded warily. “I did. Are you sure about this?”

He grinned and rushed toward her. He thudded into her, buried his nose against her neck, and breathed heavily. He leaned back. “You have been around other alphas.”

“Sure. My brother and my two new brothers-in-law, and my sister-in-law.”

He frowned and leaned forward to snuffle against her again. “And a really strong beta.”

“That’s my sister. She owns the two alphas.”

“They smell like the ocean.”

“Yes, all three of them.”

“Come and sit next to me.”

“I think Reynaldo wants to be next to you.”

Syar’s eyes grew shadowed. “Sit, please.”

“Fine. Come on.” She walked with him, and he was normal height for a beta and tall for an omega. He was still a few inches taller than Ven was.

The seats were wide and very comfortable. Reynaldo walked to the attendant and spoke to her. Ven was wary around Reynaldo. He didn’t like this idea of Syar’s.

There was a table with a stack of paperwork. Ven hated paperwork, but it was necessary when dealing with people who owned most—if not all—of a country. Fortunately, it was an island, but it had some very specific mines that provided a lot of very colourful gemstones.

She asked Syar, “Do you have a pen?”

Reynaldo came back and handed her a pen that weighed a quarter of a pound.

She hauled the paperwork to her lap and started reading. “You know, if I knew this involved homework, I would have turned you down.”
