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“Partially. I am worried about a few things.”

“Tell me what they are so that I can fix things.”

“You can’t fix this.” She smiled and stroked his cheek. Some of the ladies watching them pass put a hand to their mouths. She stretched her fingers in front of his face. “They look dirty. What I just did is going to make the rounds. Touching the king with filthy hands.”

He looked at her charcoal fingers with their jaguar spot patterns. “They are lovely.”

“Close up, you can see the markings. From a distance, it looks like I have been shovelling ash with my hands.”

“How do you deal with it at home?”

She looked at him blandly. “Leather gloves.”

“Right. Not practical. They will get used to seeing you. I know that your hands are lovely and clean.” He kissed her palms.

She shivered. “Right. I am fine with it. I just don’t want it reflecting badly on you two.”

He smiled. “They can’t kick me out, and Reynaldo doesn’t care. He was hired to abduct me way back, but he took one look into my eyes and decided that he would stay with me.”

Ven glanced at Reynaldo, and he shrugged with a smile. “I am a sucker for dimples.”

She looked at Syar’s baby-soft skin and said, “How old are you anyway?”

He grinned. “Thirty-six. Yes, I know I look younger. It’s the omega factor.”

“So, how long have you and Reynaldo been together?”

“Eight years. Why?”

She whispered, “How old is he?”

Reynaldo answered. “Forty. Why?”

She sat quietly. “No reason.”

She looked out and saw the families, the kids playing in a schoolyard, and there were two cell towers in the distance to the north and south. She could see them if she squinted. She checked her phone and blinked at the connection.

She sent anokaytext to Penny and got a photo of Penny and her family in a selfie.

Ven smiled. Penny was her favourite. Edgar was great as an older brother, but Penny was made to care about people.

Fam is looking good. Don’t forget to start ballet classes before you get too big.


Ven laughed and then sobered as she looked at Syar, who was looking at her curiously.

“It was the check-in that Penny wanted. The next one can wait until I get a new SIM card.”

Syar asked, “They sent a picture?”

“Oh, yeah.” She showed him the picture of the family and explained who was who.

“They are enhanced alphas?”

“Oh. Yeah.” She smiled. “The guys would love it here. They are both aquatic.”

Syar smiled.
