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She got the band on and used the strap to add a bit of support. It was comfortable but felt a little naked.

She dragged in a deep breath and came out to find both men watching her intently. “Well, it fits. Thank you for getting it.”

“My pleasure. You were right. Five more inches.”

Syar stared at her. “You have lovely shoulders.”

“Uh, thanks? They are a matched set.”

He stood up from her bed and walked over to her, circling her slowly. “Aside from the short hair, you look like a local. I have to catch up on paperwork. Feel free to explore the residence. We will find you for dinner.”

She got nervous. “When’s dinner?”

“It’s in two hours.”


“If you see a large cat in the hall, it’s just Makso. I don’t know if his mate had kittens recently or not. He keeps them wild. The staff will make themselves scarce.”

“Where is his mate?”

“In the jungle. She is extremely wild.”

“Okay. Good to know.” She smiled. “I will go exploring the residence.”

They stretched in their breathable and comfortable clothing. She looked around and didn’t find shoes, so she padded out of her room with her feet bare. She had her phone in her hand with the translator app on in case she needed it. She left her room and waved at the guards at Syar’s room. She began exploring a building where folks changed direction instead of talking to her.

She found the large open room and knelt on the floor to meditate. She sat there and kept herself calm when she felt a warm presence in front of her. She opened her eyes and met another set of feline eyes. She cocked her head, and he leaned forward, butting against her shoulder. “Oh, hi, big baby. You must be Makso.”

He shouldn’t purr, but he purred. It wasn’t a proper purr, it sounded like he had learned it somewhere and was mimicking it, but it was definitely a purr.

She wrapped her arms around him and rubbed her cheek against his neck. His eyes were very pretty, and his scent was light.

She rubbed his back and rubbed at his ribs, where she found the distended nipples.

“Oh, you are the missus. Gorgeous girl.”

There was a mew sound, and two fat black kittens marched up to her. “Oh, wow. We are all here. Hello, littles.”

The kittens mewed, and their mother flopped on her side. The little ones ran up to get lunch, and the big lady put her paw on Ven’s knee. She felt a little less out of place.

They sat there for half an hour before she heard, “Venetia, remain still. That isn’t Makso.”

She smiled and looked at Reynaldo. “I know. The babies eating kind of gave it away.”

He had the larger male next to him, and she watched the female get up and get between Reynaldo and the kittens. Ven got up slowly and walked to the alpha. “Don’t read anything into this.”

She rubbed herself against him slowly, then walked back to the missus and knelt in front of her. The feline sniffed her and huffed, turning and summoning her babies to exit the residence. Makso came by and bumped into Ven before he followed the family back into the jungle.

She got up and didn’t look at Reynaldo. “Sorry.”

“Come with me.”

She stared at the middle of his back as they walked, and the loosely woven fabric let her see the deep groove of his back and the solid curve of his ass. She didn’t look at men often, but she enjoyed the view. She smelled fish and the sweetness of fruit.

Syar was talking to an older woman who was giggling and smiling at him. When she glanced their way, her face sobered. “And who is this?”

“This is my companion. Venetia. She will be here this year.”
