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Venetia growled. “So was I when I put myself in your hands. Syar has been saying that he wants me treated like a princess.”

The women froze in shock at the implication.

Syar shook his head toward them as they were about to bow to Venetia.

His beloved beta looked at the manicurist. “Which hand to you want to keep?”


“Which hand do you want to remain pristine?”

“Uh, my right?”

Syar didn’t even see Venetia move. The manicurist gasped and then looked down to see four even lines that were slowly bleeding.

“A little tea tree oil should heal that in no time. Now, you... you turned my face into hamburger, so I want you to give yourself a facial with the same scrub and equipment you used on me. I will check on you in five minutes.”

The woman teared up and nodded, heading to her station.

The stylist was shaking. Venetia spoke softly. “Now, you more than anyone know that hair is a woman’s crowning glory, so your actions were reprehensible. But since your hair is so glorious, I will give you a modified punishment.”

“What is it, miss?”

Venetia smiled. “You will only lose half your hair. I mean, it grows back, right? Isn’t that what you said?”

“I didn’t say that in English.”

“I know.” She nodded to the back of the salon, and the woman was sobbing. “Aw, honey. I would have cried if I had known what you were going to do, but I trusted you. I came to you, and I trusted you. Hold still. I will be quick.”

The buzzing of an electric razor was heard for a few minutes, and then Venetia said, “Scrub harder. You aren’t bleeding. That’s better. Now follow up with that salt scrub, and we are good. There you go.”

Venetia walked back up front and looked surprised when Syar reached for her. He hugged her and kissed her forehead and then her lips. “Are you all right, Venetia?”

She looked at him, and he could see she was close to breaking. He tucked her head against him and looked at the chalky receptionist. “What is her bill?”

“N-nothing, Your Majesty. I am so sorry.”

“Your aunt has been punished as well. I am debating whether or not to keep her at the residence.”

Reynaldo said, “I will take her, Syar.”

Syar smiled. It would send a signal to any who wanted to look that she is not an unwanted intruder. She is very much wanted. She is essential.

Reynaldo eased her away from Syar, and his skin felt cold when she left. Reynaldo cradled her against his chest, and the little kitten was shivering. They left the salon, and a crowd gathered.

Syar recognized a face in the crowd, and he stepped forward to speak to her. “Solai, we need your talents. Can you bring your kit to the residence?”

“Of course. How bad is it?”

Syar carefully took one of Venetia’s hands and showed it to the esthetician. “Holy shit. They went nearly through the nail. She needs dips for protection.”

Syar took her hand and tucked it back against her body.

Solai muttered, “Did Myele order this?”

Syar nodded.”

“She wanted Fefee as Reynaldo’s breeder. You know that, right?”
