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The guys finished the food, and Reynaldo carried her through the palace and out a doorway that Syar opened for them.

“I can walk, you know.”

Reynaldo smiled and showed a lot of teeth.

“He isn’t really going to set you down until you two have mated.”

“I don’t want a mate.”

“We know, and we are sorry, but you are the only match for Reynaldo that we have ever found.”

“So, this was a trap.”

“It was an invitation.” Syar smiled. “You accepted.”

“I... thought I would be useful.”

Reynaldo stopped on the green path. “I need you. I need you a lot.”

She had a few pithy comments, but she swallowed them. He walked after Syar, and she felt them climbing uphill. She stayed cuddled up to Reynaldo until they arrived next to a wide pool fed by a waterfall. Syar stirred the water with his hand; it began glowing. The wave of light spread across the water and turned it into a shimmering surface.

She looked around and found the light spreading into the trees. The jungle around her had been in her dreams for years. She had never imagined it was real.

Chapter Six

Syar and Reynaldo removed their clothing, setting it down on a rock. They waded into the water, and she was left watching them disappear into the glow. When they sank under the surface, Ven stripped and put her clothes in with theirs. She waded into the water, and it felt warm and slippery.

The guys had gone missing, but she didn’t care. She was in the place she had dreamed of and happy to be there. After she lost her daughter, this was the place she had gone to in her mind. After the attack, this place kept her sane. Now she was rolling around in her dream pool, and she felt at peace. Ven rolled to her back and looked up at the sky and the stars that were not quite where she was used to seeing them.

The water pushed against her, and she heard Reynaldo, “Having a nap?”

“Relaxing. I have been here before but not in my body. This is amazing.”

Syar swam next to her. “When were you here?”

“In my dreams when I needed to flee pain. I came here to the glowing pool and the glowing trees and the slow star cascade above me.” She kept her voice low.

“What do you feel here?”

“At home and at peace.” She let her legs drop and slowly treaded water. “Legs bumping against mine.”

Syar was very close. Reynaldo was further away, but she was still within his arm’s reach. “So, you guys went behind the waterfall?”

“Yeah. We needed to check on supplies for his rut. He comes up here and camps out.”

Ven turned to look at Reynaldo to read his expression. “Camps out? Aren’t you together?”

Syar said, “No. He helps me through my heat, but he wears protection. In his rut, he wouldn’t remember, so he stays up here.”

“Why?” Reynaldo was floating near them and Ven watched him.

“He is determined and aggressive. I want to help him but his beast doesn’t takeI’m freaking outfor an answer.”

She turned from Reynaldo to Syar. She moved toward him and kissed him. She kept her body away from him as she kept her lips in touch with his.

She was pulled away from him and turned to face Reynaldo. He kept them both floating as he pulled her against him and pressed her body to his as he took her kiss. His cock was hot between them against the cool of the water.

“Oh, hey, Reynaldo.”
