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Reynaldo nodded. “I was working security at the facility where they brought him. It was close to my rut, so as his heat was drawing others to pace outside his cell, it pulled me in as well.”

Syar nodded. “Frankly, even in rut, he was easier to negotiate with. He got me out of there with mass casualties on the kidnappers’ side. Those that had touched me were missing a lot of pieces by the time he wrapped me up and carried me to safety. Then came some hard decisions, and then we came home. It was three years before I was willing to leave the island again. Even now, Reynaldo catches my fear and sticks to me like glue.”

“So, that is why you send couriers now.”

“A third of our alpha population is occupied in that capacity with their families remaining here.” He sighed. “It is just safer here.”

She walked over to him and kissed his forehead. “The world isn’t safe, Syar. If it were, we wouldn’t need alphas. I was taken in a bar, surrounded by hundreds of people. Drugged and carried away, and nobody noticed.” She shrugged. “Fortunately, I don’t remember much until Penny came in. At that point, she pulled him away, and we beat the shit out of him until the police arrived. Good thing that Penny had low-tolerance neighbours.”

Syar hugged her for a minute then ran his hands up her back. Aside from one string, nothing impeded him. “Oh, I can get used to this. You feel nearly naked.”

She kissed him again. “I am glad you came through your experience sane and able to work toward leaving the island again. I ran to family, then danger and adrenalin and getting control of my body again. The wilder my choices, the more alive I felt. Some of my hobbies were weird, but they helped. I am a huge fan of occupational therapy.”

Reynaldo asked, “What type of hobbies?”

“Roller derby, dance class. That was a ball buster.”

Syar buried his face between her breasts and asked, “What kind of dance?”

“Ballet. I suck at it, but I love it.” She smiled and stroked his hair.

Reynaldo mentioned, “They have local dances and competitions here.”

She chuckled. “Right. I can be in class with the four-year-olds.”

Syar sighed. “You will advance quickly, I am sure.”

“Why are you stating it that way?”

He pulled his face away from her cleavage. “I am enrolling you in the morning.”

She jerked her thumb toward Reynaldo. “Don’t you have to ask the alpha? Pretty sure it takes two guardian signatures for the waiver.”

“I am the king. They will accept my signature.”

She chuckled, and he found the centre part of her skirt and slid his hands in, cupping her butt. He stuck his face between her breasts and sighed, mumbling, “I think this is my third favourite place to be.”

Ven didn’t dare ask what his first two were.

Chapter Nine

Ven got some rest that night. They spent their time in or on her until she was exhausted and sleeping between them. She woke up hot and sweaty between two male bodies. Reynaldo murmured what he did every time, “Do you consent?”

She smiled at the sweet gesture. “Yes, I do.”

He smiled, and they started to move against each other until he was part of her, and she was part of him. Syar joined in at the rear, and she grunted as she was filled to capacity and a bit beyond.

Ven soared, came down, and soared again. The guys held off until her third climax, and she was filled with heat. When they all huddled together, sweaty and smiling, she knew that something good might be starting.

A group shower didn’t get anyone very clean, but it did clear the sweat off and give them all a chance for caressing and tickling.

Ven had her breakfast of the fowl that had been delivered again, and Missus and her kittens sat in the breakfast room while Ven ate. The beast didn’t want any part of her offering, but she nudged Ven if she slowed down.

She was wearing one of her new outfits in blue. She ate the bird provided and then had a fruit salad.

Ven glanced to Reynaldo. “So, when is your rut going to kick in?”

He grinned and flexed his hand. She saw the same type of claw that she sported. The deadly tips came out, and he analyzed them. “Probably tonight.”
