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“When you tell me about the shadows in your eyes, I will share the shadows in mine.”

He blinked, nodded, and held her close. Reynaldo’s graze started to itch at the back of her neck, and she pushed the feeling away.

It was an hour later when he lifted his head with a smile. “Thanks. I feel better.”

“I am glad.” She shifted to her chair and stretched her neck. It was starting to burn. “Um, Reynaldo?”

He opened his eyes slowly. “What?”

“The mark is burning.”

He held out his hand, and she went to him, took off her jacket, and watched him examine it. He ran his thumb over it and muttered, “It has healed.”

“It still burns.”

“Was it like this on your first marking?”

“No, but he didn’t leave it alone, so this kind of thing didn’t happen.”

“That would take your skin off.”

“No, it wouldn’t. I heal fast.”

“Ah, that’s it.” He leaned in, scraped his tongue over her skin, and relief shot through her.

She shuddered as the licking had an arousing effect. “I think that’s fine.”

He muttered, “No.”

He continued, and then she felt something close to a click and a rush of heat through her veins. She gasped and said through gritted teeth, “Stop. Please.”

He licked once more and raised his head. She tried to dart back to her chair but noted that he had wrapped his hand around her waist and under her shirt.

Syar sighed. “You two are so cute together. Like Makso and his kittens.”

Reynaldo stiffened, and Ven slipped back to her seat. She was shaken. She hadn’t felt aroused in seven years.

She looked out the window and saw the ocean beneath them as far as the eye could see. She finally calmed enough to say, “Who is Makso?”

“He’s my cat. He’s very attentive to his offspring.”

The emotion coming through the link had not been paternal. Well, not unless Reynaldo liked to play daddy. That was definitely not a kink Ven had acquired. If she thought about it, her kink was cuddling and feeling safe. Nothing got her hotter, and she was worried. They had the cuddling down.

Chapter Two

She sipped at her coffee, then took her phone out and looked at pictures from the party. She smiled softly.

“Who is that?”

“My newest cousin, Liella. That’s her new mom, Penny, my cousin.”

“Your file says you don’t have any blood relations.”

“We were foster children in the same home, along with her brother Edgar. We grew up together.”

She showed her family, and their heads were almost touching as the selfie with her and the little cousins were on the screen. She listed all their names, and Syar said, “None are related to you by blood?”

“Nope. By choice.”
