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Reynaldo shook his head. “Not the kidnapper. Also, not a feline alpha.”


Syar murmured, “He wasn’t the one to set you off.”

Andrew moved into the room. “Venetia. I... He told me what happened. About... I am so sorry.”

“It was a girl. The size of a seven-month-old at five months. I felt her move that day. Then, she was gone.” She looked at him. “Her name was Victoria, and she is buried next to your grandmother.”

Andrew swallowed. “She is?”

“She is.”

“My parents knew?”

“Oh, yeah.” She sighed and held Syar’s hand. “They knew. They told me you were ignoring my messages.”

Lucas was helping his alpha. “I saw him, and he was so glorious, so pretty, that I had to have him. I didn’t think that he already had a bound beta. No one said. Not even him.”

“The mark is long since scrubbed, so I would appreciate it if you get the fuck out of my room.”

Syar said calmly, “Get out and accept your banishment from Emerald Island.”

Lucas stared. “You are an omega.”

Syar smiled. “I am, and you are agitating my emotional support beta. Now get out and take the banishment with grace.”

Lucas snorted. “Who are you to order me around?”

Reynaldo went big and furry and spoke carefully around his fangs. “He is my king and her mate and my mate. He is the king of the ground you walk on. So, fuck off.”

Ven looked at Lucas. “I told you my mate and alpha would not be interested in an omega.”

He reeled back in shock. “But, my boat, how will I leave?”

Reynaldo smiled, fangs flashing. “There are charters and other boats available. You can get to the next island and make arrangements from there, just don’t come back here.”

Syar grinned. “We will literally deport you.”

Andrew looked at their trio and nodded. “I will get Lucas to the port right away. Thanks for getting us off the yacht. I know you didn’t have to send the mermaid for me, but she was helpful. She even jumped with Lucas into the tentacles of that... whatever it was.”

“My brothers-in-law.” She chuckled. “Both of the sea monsters. The mermaid is a friend.”

Lucas blinked. “They came for you.”

Ven blushed when Syar said, “Of course. We would have had a whale shark, but someone had to fly the helicopter.”

Ven sighed. Of course, Mort was a whale shark. It fit. Nova was a multi-tailed mermaid. She had a tail for every occasion and could switch them out as needed. She suited a gliding giant.

Ven looked at Andrew. “Andrew, get the fuck off my island, and I wish your child a better father than you this time around. Lucas, find another alpha to support you. If another omega wags themselves at him, he’s gone. If I see you again, I am going to start tearing parts off with my claws.”

Lucas’s eyes got wide, and he hauled Andrew out of the room. Guards flanked them and walked them down the stairs.

Ven sighed. “That felt nice. Apologies for claiming the island for dramatic effect, Your Majesty.”

Syar pulled her in for a kiss and whispered, “I am sorry you had to see them.”

“I hope they have a lively and healthy baby... far from here.”
