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The locals watched the monsters in the sea, passing their mate from one to the other until she was settled on Thor, and he swam her to shore by holding her with his tongue. He set her in the shallows and wiggle-walked his body out so he and Jax could play in the ocean.

Nova got Penny a towel. Nova laughed. “They didn’t even let your feet touch the water.”

Penny wrapped the towel around her. “I think they think the baby is made of sugar or something. So, that reminds me. Ven?”

Ven looked at her. “What?”

“Do you think boy or girl?”

“Yeah. One of those would be good.”

Penny smiled. “I will just be a phone call away. Closer if Jax can pass with authorization for the legal system, oh, and I get a place at the school in the village. There are a lot of boxes to tick for us to move Liella from her school. I am a little unsure of leaving my workplace and taking Liella from her friends, but... wow. This place is amazing.”

Ven said, “Why don’t you come here for some vacations before making a move? Jax can get his certification and work things out with Antonio. Thor can pull some overtime to make up some leave, but Liella would be leaving her aunty Gen and grandparents and little friends. I love you, but come here for vacations.” She grinned. “And I will come there to figure out what underwear feels like again.”

Penny blinked and paused. “That is supersensible. When Syar mentioned it, it seemed like such a great thing.”

Syar sniffed. “It still would be a great thing. I like the idea of a big family.”

Ven smiled. “You can still spend time here, and if Liella develops an attachment for the kids here you can make the visits a semi-annual thing or even move here. And Edgar and Janie are working on paperwork to come for a visit. Once here, Syar can do the paperwork. He is very good at paperwork.”

She squirmed, and Reynaldo sat on a lounger, draping her over him. “Enough plotting. You need to rest.”

“Really? I was asleep most of the night.”

“You were crying and whimpering,” he whispered in her ear. “Syar had to curl up with you to stop it.”

She sighed. “Oh.”

Penny was dressed in a nice summer dress that looked like it weighed a ton next to Ven’s outfit. She held up her phone. “Liella wants to talk to you.”

Ven sat up a little and took the phone. “Hey, Liella.”

The little dark-haired girl looked concerned. “Auntie Ven? Are you okay? Mom told me someone took you away, and she had to go get you back.”

“They got me. They were very helpful, and everyone is okay.” She smiled.

“Who are you sitting on?”

Ven blinked. “What?”

“You are sitting on someone.”

She blushed. “Um, that is one of the people I am here with.”

“Can I see?”

Ven looked at Reynaldo. “Do you mind?”

He shook his head, and she tilted the phone. “Liella Kekerek, this is Reynaldo. Reynaldo, this is Penny and Jax’s daughter.”

She looked at him, and her eyes went wide. She whispered, “Hello.”

He smiled. “Hello.”

“Are you married to Auntie Ven?”

“No, but I am her mate, the same way your Uncle Thor is with your mom.”
