Page 39 of Watering Stone

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“Good. Then, Armin can continue his search for his pretty princess, and I can finish dealing with that stand of oaks.”

Ven got up and smiled. “Come on. I can get you some clothing more suited to the climate.”

They walked away, and Armin stared at Gia’s denim-clad ass. Elly grinned, and when Gia was gone, she burst out laughing. Armin looked pissed.

Tor smirked. “Buddy, you look upset.”

“I have seen some of the mates that other alphas have gotten. Why do we get the boring ones?” Armin sat down in frustration.

The alphas at the table looked at him in astonishment. Amelia smirked, “Figures. Don’t worry, Armin. The match isn’t legally binding. You can go and attract dozens of beta ladies, have them all climb over you, and know that you won’t have kids, or at least not ones that carry a designation beyond being alpha or beta.” She grinned. “There is also the factor of never being able to let loose and be yourself with a partner you can trust... but you don’t have a problem with that, do you?”

Elly grinned, and Keahi wrapped his arms around her from behind and propped his chin on her head. He went from human to dragon, and she stroked his jaw. Armin and Tor looked from the dragon to the woman in his grip. He shifted back to human. “Knowing that she can see me like that and not run is enough to give her all the treasures of the earth.”

Nalu grinned. “And the sea.”

Mano chuckled. “And she can ride a shark without flinching.”

Elly shrugged. “He’s still abrasive.”

Mano grinned. “But your thighs wrap around me so tight.”

She sighed. “It’s just easier. When you are going down. Shut up!”

Mano’s snorts and giggles made her grimace.

Elly covered her eyes.

Armin stared at them. “Dragons don’t do that.”

Nalu and Keahi lifted their heads and said in unison, “What?”

“They don’t share. They are greedy by nature. Plus, there is little likelihood that she will survive the first pregnancy.”

Elly smirked. “You think so? A mate who has access to her dragon during pregnancy has a nice and normal gestation, aside from having to eat fire once a week. And then... they are fine.”

Amelia chuckled. “We aren’t your normal betas.”

Tor looked down at her and nodded. “I am beginning to understand, I think.”

She looked at him, and there was a considering look in her eyes.

Armin was pouting until he saw Gia and Ven returning. “Holy shit.”

Gia was a queen. Head high, back straight, a wave of rippling opal-coloured hair behind her. Her eyes were a sparkling opal as well. Her feet were bare, and the hip wrap and breast band were iridescent.

Elly smiled. “Lovely as always, Gia.”

Gia inclined her head. “Thanks, Eliana. You are looking... well protected.”

Amelia grinned. “Not that she needs it. She can kill with a glass of water, and she has.”

Elly shrugged. “We all have our hobbies.”

The ladies all chuckled, including Ven.

Nalu smiled. “That is an unsettling sound.”

Tor shrugged. “I thought it was kinda hot.”
