Page 47 of Watering Stone

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“Keep the bite guard handy.” She chuckled.

He hummed and pressed a kiss to her neck. She stilled as she realized he hadn’t marked her yet and remembered his teeth. “Oh, boy.”

He chuckled. “Boy, girl, when the time comes, we will welcome either.”

Elly exhaled. “Right. I am going to go and say hi to my friends. It’s been a while since I saw Bex.”

Mano stated, “But I am going with you.”


She waved to the gathering of dragons and headed for the dressing room of the visiting entertainers.

The ladies were all sitting together and having a party with fruit, crackers, and wine. When Eliana came in, she was greeted by tipsy giggles, and she introduced Mano and then told him to stay outside. He grinned. “Thirty-five minutes.”

“Yeah, yeah. Keep it in your pants. Twice.”

He winked and backed out of the room.

She turned and flung her arms wide. “Bex!”

The woman with wine-dark hair, black and silver eyes, and a slow smile came forward for a hug. “It’s good to see you, Eliana. Even better to see you mated and happy. It looks like Gia is going to be single for a while.”

Gia smiled. “Armin likes being single. He likes women falling onto him. So, Wren has offered another candidate. I am not worried though. Amelia has found someone she doesn’t want to punch.”

Amelia shrugged. “When he comes to the city, Tor and I are going to start dating. Holding hands, going to movies, sitting in the back so folks don’t have to try and look over him, that kinda thing.”

The others grinned, and Elly looked at Gia. “Disappointed?”

“Nope. Just nice to know that my instincts were right. He’s a tool who just wants to get his rocks off. He wanted to know if I survived because he gets a live rescue bonus from the company he works for.”

Amelia smiled. “It just happens to be her company. Armin and Tor work for her. That was a hard pill to swallow. She may be gorgeous, but she has too much power for him. Wren will try again.”

Bex chuckled. “Just like my opposite. He apologized for the activation, but I was on my own. Not even a pamphlet to explain what I needed to do. Twat.”

“Have you seen him since?” Elly asked.

“Nope. I finished my degree and stopped delivering drinks.” She sighed, “I do miss the tips.”

Gia snorted. “You make enough as my physiotherapist.”

“Yeah. Right. Your hip was drooping during the songs. You need to get back to squats.”

Gia laughed. “As soon as we land, you can order me around. Right now, shut it.”

Elly smiled. “You are taking the plane home?”

Gia nodded. “I brought my passport.”

Amelia snorted. “I didn’t. Lack of forethought, so I am going back via Wren. I also have to talk to Henry. He is not a fan of me leaving.”

Elly nodded. “True. But it’s not about him. It’s about you.”

“True.” Amelia sighed. “I just have to remember that. He just wants to snuggle with me anyway. Tor doesn’t seem the type to settle here on the island. Though, the thought of him in a sarong is intriguing.”

The room full of ladies turned and stared at Amelia. Elly smiled. “Maybe we can get him to flash some ankle, and you will just swoon.”

Amelia snorted. “Maybe. His shoulders are nice.”
