Page 52 of Watering Stone

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Her mom grinned. “Do they come in my size?”

Nalu came up and nodded. “We can head into the shop to find you something, ma’am.”

“Oh, Nalu, this is my mom. Carrie. Mom, this is Nalu, and that is Keahi, and that is Mano.”

Carrie blinked. “They mentioned... but I didn’t know it was... three of them, dear?”

Eliana blushed. “Not at the same time, Mom.”

“Not for want of trying,” Nalu muttered. “Ladies, please, come with me, there is a shop where Mano’s sister-in-law can be found, and she is experienced with more concealing fashions.”

Gwen stared up at him, ignoring her husband next to her. “Huh?”

Elly snickered, and Nalu offered her mother his arm. Her mother beamed and took the heavily muscled arm, and they headed to the shop that sold Solai’s designs.

She smiled, and Mano said, “I could have shown them.”

“You can do the introductions. Don’t pout, or you aren’t getting laid this week.”

There was a surprised laugh, and she turned slowly, remembering that they had an audience.

Mano was laughing. “Mom, Dad, this is my mate, Eliana. Elly, this is Adelle and Kalei. My mom came for ocean research and stayed to get—”

Elly slammed her hand over his mouth and smiled at the couple. “Pleased to meet you.”

Adelle stepped forward and hugged her. “Knowing that you know what is behind your hand and did it anyway, I like you very much.”

Kalei smiled and stepped forward to shake her hand before the hug. “We have seen you swimming with the shark. Welcome, daughter.”

“Um, thanks.”

She saw Nalu’s parents and curtsied. “Hello. I am Eliana, Nalu’s mate.”

His father guessed. “We guessed as much. Can you turn around?”

She knew what he was looking for. “Um, sure.”

The mark drew a gasp from all three sets of betas.

She got the introduction to Nawai and his wife, Anela. After that, Keahi stepped forward and smiled. “Mom, Dad, this is my mate. Elly.”

Lani and Ipo were introduced to her, and she nervously stood as they looked at her. “Keahi had a girlfriend when he was younger who was named Elly.” His father was cautious.

“The devil, you say. She sounds fun.” She smiled, and when Keahi wrapped his arms around her and muttered, “She was shorter then,” she responded, “So were you. Scrawnier too.”

Lani blinked tears away. “He found you again? Oh, my god. That is so sweet. Oh, come here.” She grabbed Elly and hugged her. Ipo joined in, and she was squished in the middle. They were way smaller than alphas, but she was having flashbacks to negotiating her way out of bed that morning.

Keahi pulled his parents away. “Shoo, you two. The only people crushing her like that will be Nalu and me. Mano has his own thing.”

“I am not going to discuss Mano’s thing,” she muttered. Mano came over and kissed her.

“Thanks for that, Elly. Want to go for a swim?”

“No, I need to finish that chapter. Shouldn’t take me more than half an hour.”

Keahi eased her into his arms. “Can it wait?”

She twisted her lips but looked at the three expectant couples and the silent begging from Mano. “Yes, it can wait. No deadline yet.”
