Page 9 of Watering Stone

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Ven blinked. “That wasn’t a great homecoming.”

Reynaldo sighed as Syar went to talk to Henry. They were in the hallway when they felt a flare of fury in their omega, and then a loud slap sounded. Syar wasn’t in pain, so Ven sighed. “Henry doesn’t learn.”

“He insulted you.”

“Yeah, but he is acting out of some kind of pain. Well, that or he’s just an asshole. Has he been like this before?”

“No. He is usually even-tempered.”

“Then, something has happened.”

He opened the bedroom door and nodded to the guards. They smiled, and she picked up her phone to call Wren. She was always awake.

“Hiya, Wren, it’s Venetia. I need to know something.” Reynaldo set her on the bed.


“Is there any member of the book club that can do emotional diagnostics? I am way too fat to be investigating this kind of thing.”

Wren laughed,“We have one. Do you want me to send her over?”

“I have to run it past Syar first. There is an omega here who is acting hostile toward betas. Like, really hostile. Like Syar just smacked him in the face hostile.”

“Got it. I will ask her and let you know if she says yes.”

“Great. I will do the same here. I have to get his permission to send the plane. He’s the king, after all.”

Syar came in and said, “Send the plane. Something is really wrong with him.”

“I heard that. Well, let’s see what Amelia says.”

“Wow. Amelia can do that?”

“Sure. And I don’t need a plane. Wait for the answer.”

“Great. I might be in hospital for the reply.” She felt the squeezing near her spine that began to wrap around her belly.

“You will be. Get some sleep, and then have your twins. Your alpha is trying to stay ahead.”

Ven was unsurprised that Wren knew about the twins. She knew everything else. The call was over.

Syar held her and whispered, “Tell me I was never that stupid.”

She stroked his hair. “You were always charming and horny. It came through in everything you did and said. You were also a wingman for Reynaldo, which I don’t think you get enough credit for.”

Reynaldo got her up and carried her to the bathroom for a warm shower and then returned her to bed.

She curled in to be with her mates and muttered, “Wren is looking for a beta with diagnostic capabilities.”

Syar smiled and snuggled against her breasts. “That’s helpful.”

There were a few moments of silence. Reynaldo chuckled. “What did she mean that she didn’t need a plane?”

Ven smiled and let herself sleep. It would be explained in the morning.

Chapter Three

Eliana watched Ven sweat and said, “Shouldn’t you be in hospital?”
