Page 31 of The Don's Captor

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I walked into the living room a couple of hours later to see Armando on the laptop. I had taken a hot bath, which had done wonders for my stiff muscles. It didn’t help to ease my mind from its worries, but I felt a bit more relaxed, so I took it as a win. I sank into the couch next to him and curled my legs up to face him.

“What are you working on?” I asked.

“Boring accounting for my own organization. Even though I am out here, I still have to ensure everything runs smoothly. Especially with some of my businesses being legal. How are you? Doc didn’t say much to me on his way out.”

“I’m scared mostly. I asked him what my odds were, but he didn’t answer. I know you are doing everything you can to get me out of here as soon as possible and I appreciate it, truly, I do. I’m still worried and scared though. Even after all of this is over and done with, I don’t even know what I would do or where I would go.”

It had been something I had been trying to figure out for a while now. I didn't know where to go. Even now that Armando said he could send me anywhere, I didn’t know the best location. I was an American citizen, so it would be best to be within a country that recognized it and wouldn’t be a deficit. I also didn’t want to be in a country where English wasn’t their native language.

The act of having to try and learn a new language was not appealing to me. Then there was the debate between a small town or a large city. Which one would be best? I had no idea. There were pros and cons to both. All of this seemed very overwhelming to me.

“There is the option of you coming with me to New York. I can ensure you have a place for you and the baby. There are great doctors and I can make sure you have a specialist that you need for the baby,” he offered.

I was surprised by the offer, but it wasn’t an unpleasant surprise. I would be lying if I said the possibility of being in New York City wasn’t appealing. I had never been there and it was breathtaking from everything I had read and seen in photos online. There would be plenty of jobs and places to live. Some of the best doctors were in New York. It was high in crime, very high, but I suppose it was something I would have to deal with in any city I picked.

“You would want me in New York?” I needed to make sure exactly why he was offering. Did he want me to be there because it was the right thing or did he want me there because he wanted me to be there. Did he still want me to be around him?

“Of course, I would. It’s completely your choice where you wish to be at the end of all of this. But I would love for you to be back home with me. I’d love to see you and have you and the baby in my life. It’s completely up to you, but the offer will always be there,” he said with a warm smile.

I didn’t know what I wanted to do yet, but the offer was very tempting. I needed time to think about it and see if I wanted that. I would be lying if I denied that I was tempted. It looked like I had a lot more that I needed to think about, but maybe, just maybe, I had a new city to call home when all of this was behind me.

Chapter twenty-six


I parked my truck out front of Dom’s house. He had called me an hour ago and wanted me to come by to speak with him. I didn’t know what he wanted to discuss. I was still hoping he was going to tell me that Leo or Alberto needed to be killed. I had to get closer to him, and it needed to be fast. I got out and made my way toward his front door. I had only been here a couple of times when Dom had decided to throw a party there and not at one of his private clubs.

He had an excellent security system. The first time I saw it, I knew he couldn’t be killed in his house. Dom’s house looked nice, but I also knew it was mostly for show. He had a serious drug problem and didn’t have anywhere near the amount of money people assumed he did. He should be a billionaire but wasted his money on booze and drugs and had a gambling problem. It wasn’t uncommon.

A good number of Dons have vices that eat up their money. I had my own, but they were trips. I liked going to different places and seeing the world. I had multiple real estate properties all over and even a private jet.

I headed inside and went toward the living room, where I suspected Dom would be. He didn’t like working in an office but preferred to spread out at the dining room or coffee table. He and I had that in common. I didn’t like sitting in an office either, trapped at a desk.

I preferred to see what was around and move about. I tended to work at my dining room table, which was twelve feet long, so I could spread out all the documents I had to work with, especially during tax time. I walked in on him snorting a line, and it took all my control not to go over there and smash his head into the table. I thought about getting him to overdose somehow. I could slip in some fentanyl and let him die that way. That went out the window when I saw that he shared his cocaine with some of the girls he would bring to the parties. I wasn’t going to risk one of the girls dying.

“Hey, boss,” I said, as I went and dropped down into one of the chairs within the room. It was hard and uncomfortable. Dom didn’t really like to accommodate his guests. There wasn’t a piece of furniture you couldn’t sit in for hours.

He sat up as he sniffed and blinked a few times. I was looking forward to returning home so I could be away from all the drugs. I was sick and tired of having to deal with high people.

“I got a job for you.”

“Anything you need,” I easily said.

“You need to kill the girl.”

“What girl?” I asked, confused. I had been expecting him to tell me to kill Leo or Alberto, not some woman.

“The whore you’re guarding.”

I felt my stomach drop at those four words. He wanted me to kill Natalie. I wasn’t going to be doing it, but it threw a serious wrench in my plan. I thought we had time, even months, to get Natalie out safely. And now we were down to hours. Dom would be expecting me to do it right away and then get rid of her body.

I had at most until morning before he would be coming by with a new woman. I knew he had one waiting in the wings because he wouldn’t kill Natalie if he didn’t have someone else to replace the financial loss that killing her would cause him.

“The baby is nowhere near viable right now,” I countered, just to buy myself some time to keep my emotions locked down.

“The doc can’t guarantee the baby will survive, and even if it did, there’s no telling what could be wrong with it. It ain’t worth the time needed to secure the product. I also can’t sell a faulty product. Kill her, get rid of the body, and then I can get someone else in there.”

“You already got a woman?” I needed to figure out how much time I had before someone else would come into the house.
