Page 32 of The Don's Captor

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“She’s being picked up in a couple of hours. Should give you enough time to kill the whore, get rid of the body and clean up. The next one coming in has done this twice already, so she will be good and the product will be of good quality.”

“I’ll get it done,” I promised, as I stood up.

“Once she is taken care of, then we can discuss some organizational changes,” he tossed out.

“Whatever you need, boss,” I quickly agreed before I headed for the front door and got out of this fucking place.

It was a struggle to keep my emotions in check and not go running out of here just to get back to my truck. I had no idea what I was going to do; I had almost no time to figure it out. The second I got into my truck, I would turn it on and get the fuck out of here. I pulled my cell phone out and immediately called Gab.

He was going to have to help Natalie get packed up, so we could get her out of here. The trick was where she would go. If we were in New York, it would be easy to figure it out, but we weren’t in New York, and I had no safe houses here.

“How did it go?” Gab asked the second he answered the call.

“He ordered me to kill Natalie.”

“What? Why?” Gab asked, confused and worried.

“The doc doesn’t know if the baby will make it to term, or if there will be any deficits. He wants to cut his losses and get another woman in there. Apparently one of the other women who has done this twice before is pregnant again, and he wants her in there by the end of the night.”

“Fuck. Um…ok. We have to move her somewhere, but the only place I can think of is a hotel,” Gab said. I could tell he was trying to get his mind to process all of this.

“I don’t know how I feel about a hotel in terms of security, but we might not have a choice. We can’t risk her being spotted by anyone connected to Dom. We need to put her in an area of the city where Dom wouldn’t have any connections.”

I didn’t really want to put her in a hotel because you have no idea who could be spying for whom. Right now, we didn’t have any other choice. If there was more time, I could have put her on a private jet and taken her to New York, but we were on a time crunch. There was only so long that I would be able to hide Natalie away before Dom realized she wasn’t dead. Dom had to be killed tonight, which meant we had to get the women captive out tonight.

“We can put her in a high-end luxury hotel in Beverly Hills. Dom doesn’t have any connections there because he can’t afford to be there himself. Where are you going to kill him, though? Plus, I thought we were going to try and free the women too.”

“We have to do it tonight; we don’t have a choice. I’ll be there soon. Get Natalie packed up and wait for me before getting her out. When I get there, we can reach out to the extraction company and get them to go and get the women out tonight. They can work with the Feds and use whatever evidence they have to shut Dom’s organization down.”

“I’ll inform Natalie and get her ready. How far out are you?”

“I’ll be there within thirty minutes. Keep an eye out; I have no idea if Dom is going to send anyone over to help with the clean up,” I warned. He had done that a few times in the past few years and having witnesses wasn’t something we could have right now.

“I got her. I’ll see you soon,” he said before he ended the call.

I tossed my cell phone down and I let out a long breath. This was not how I had been expecting the night to go. I had been waiting for this moment for three years, and now it was looking like tonight I was finally going to get justice for Alexis and my unborn child. I just wished that Natalie would be safe; otherwise, nothing would matter.

Chapter twenty-seven


I was in the middle of a sketch when the knock came to my door.

“Come in,” I said, knowing it was Gabriele. I was hoping that Armando would be back shortly. I didn’t like him being out with Dominic, especially now that I knew he was looking to kill him. He was risking his life to get justice for Alexis and all of the women and children that Dominic had destroyed.

The door opened and Gabriele walked in. I could tell by the stress in his eyes that something was wrong - something had happened.

“What’s wrong?” I instantly asked.

“Mando just called me. Dom has ordered your death. He’s on his way here, so we have to get you out of here and get you into a safe place.”

My blood was instantly running cold. My death had been ordered, and Armando was the one supposed to carry it out. I knew he wouldn’t do it, but that didn’t change the deep fear flooding through my system. We were supposed to have more time. We were supposed to have a plan in place for myself and the women. What was going to happen to all of us now?

“I don’t understand. Why would Dominic order my death? I thought he made money off the babies?” I asked, trying to get my mind to quickly process the drastic change.

“Apparently, the doc doesn’t know if the baby will survive in these conditions, and even if he or she does, what it will be like once they are born. Dom has high-paying clients who want perfectly healthy babies and expect top quality. If the baby is born with some issues due to not having proper care or testing done, then he can only get a low-level offer. To him, this is business and keeping you and the baby alive isn’t smart business,” Gabriele explained in a gentle voice. No matter his tone, it would never make his words any easier to hear.

I could understand that this was business to Dominic. Morally, I couldn’t, but I could in a purely business sense. If you know that your machine isn’t going to produce high quality products, you don’t keep the machine - you get a new one. Dominic’s clients were expecting high quality, and a baby with development problems was not considered high quality. Now, as a mother - or soon-to-be mother - I thought he was an asshole. I didn’t care if there were problems with my child; I was going to love them no matter what. The child was perfect, and I was madly in love with them.
