Page 57 of Reckless Roulette

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“Trust me, I’m not.”

“Hmm…” I mutter, face reddening again as I tuck my head against his chest. It makes him chuckle as he kisses the top of my head. For a while, his hands explore my body, moving over me, touching and stroking as I lie, feeling absolutely exhausted after the last few days’ adventures. It’s so hypnotic that I must fall asleep because the next thing I know, I wake up to find myself tucked in his arms.

It’s early evening, so I slowly slide out of the bed and grab my underwear, pulling it on.

Kade murmurs something but he doesn’t fully wake from his nap as I head into the kitchen. I get a bowl out but don’t get very far before he calls to me.

“Where did you go?”

“I’m coming, I’m coming,” I say as I finish up before carrying the filled bowls back to bed and holding one out for him.

“What… is this?” he asks as he looks down at it.

“You asked if you’d get ice cream if you stayed in someone’s bed instead of fleeing… I told you that you had to wait to find out.”

He takes the bowl from me with a grin. “Huh… I do like this. But I know the main reason I do is because of the company. Before you sit back down, get your little geek thingy.”

“You like playing video games, don’t you?”

“No idea what you’re talking about,” he declares but as soon as I retrieve it, he pulls me in close and I tuck myself against him.




The casino is in full swing as I wander through it and head to the back.

“Headed out?” Jon asks.

“Yeah. I need to get going. Everything seems good here. How’s your daughter doing?”

Jon smiles at the mere mention of her. “Just fucking adorable, you know? Like how did I have any part in making something so cute?”

“It is questionable,” I say, which makes him laugh.

“See ya. Have a good night.”

“You too,” I say as I head out back to get into my car and drive for home.

When Len and I decided to move in together, I bought a house on the outskirts of the city. One with a nice, open floor plan that Len feels comfortable in and one that I don’t have to miserably crawl up ten flights to get to, though Len considers it good exercise.

While the house is extremely nice, it isn’t the extravagant mansion I once would have picked. Len has never made me feel like I have to flash around my money to get his attention, and honestly, I think he dislikes it.

When I reach the house, I unlock the door and step inside to see Len sitting on the couch, controller in hand.

He pauses the game and immediately looks over at me. “Welcome home.”

And really… isn’t that what I’ve spent my whole life not knowing that I needed? At the end of the day, I could lose my casino and all my money, and I could still make it with Len by my side.

I used to be jealous and resentful of people like that… people who had things I thought I’d never have… or maybe I thought I didn’t deserve to have them.

“What’s that look for?” Len asks as he gets up to walk over to me.

“Just thought you were looking handsome,” I say, which is the truth… even if it wasn’t my main focus.

No matter what I have, this place has always felt more like home because of who is waiting for me when I walk through that door.
