Page 13 of Rise of a Kingdom

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“How fucking dare you blacklist me from my entire life! Who do you think you are? You had me barred from all of the spas. The elite nail salons and the hair salons have all notified me that I am no longer a client. All my accounts have been closed at every fashion house in the city. I have been fielding calls all morning, Stella. You ensured that all my sponsors and client labels have now parted ways with me, you vicious bitch! You even had my assistant resign with no notice, terrified for her own life.” Her beautiful face is filled with ugly rage, red blotches making their way across her skin and if I am not mistaken, she’s been crying. “You have destroyed my life and livelihood! Why have you done this!” The feeling of satisfaction fills my blood. If she thinks it’s bad now, just wait, it’s about to get much worse.

“Ma’am, I must insist that you leave immediately. As I explained at the door, you are no longer a member here and cannot enter the country club.” The obtuse manager speaks through gritted teeth all the while looking at me from the corner of his eye as beads of sweat trickle down the side of his face.

“You frigid whore! He will never be yours! He bought you like a prized horse and when he’s done playing with you, he will return to me.” Gasps fill the space around us, but I don’t bother to take my eyes off the woman falling apart before me. Her comment about being a frigid whore bounces right off of me. I guarantee that my new husband would not agree with her assessment after this morning.

“Your words have no impact on me Kalista. Go ahead and make more of a spectacle of yourself.” I allow the tiniest of a smile to grace my lips. My gaze, cold and filled with malevolent energy. I don’t bother to look around at those surrounding us, knowing from the hush my words are bringing, that everyone is watching and listening to what is transpiring in front of me.

“I will give you no further warnings Kalista. The world you built up around you.” I motion with my finger, pointing dramatically at the table top and then snapping my fingers. “Is gone, poof! Up in smoke it went this morning. All of your modeling and endorsement deals, gone. Even Walmart won’t touch you now. Your life is done.” A full devious smile crosses my lips as I sit back comfortably in the booth. “Your parents, I am sure, are also trying to reach you. They too will have found that their access to certain amenities will have been denied.”

“Why? Why would you do this to me? He married you.” Tears trickle down the side of her gorgeous face. The sight should move me, perhaps even make guilt rise inside of me, after all she is a woman trapped in the same world as I am. But all I see is the vision of her kissing my husband in my new driveway on my wedding day. Her hands trailing over his body and the smear of her lipstick across his lips.

“You are an unfortunate warning to those around us. You are learning first hand the consequences of crossing me, Kalista. You thought that I would allow what happened between you and Jaxon to continue, unfettered?” I lean forward, my words leaving my lips in a harsher, lower tone. “You thought what happened last night would have no consequences, that I was weak? How weak am I now, Kalista?”

“He doesn’t love you.” She wipes at the tears trailing down her cheek with the palm of her hand, smearing more of her makeup across her face. She really does look a tad disheveled, no doubt from running from one place to another all morning trying to stop the destruction I caused with mere phone calls once Jaxon left the house.

“He doesn’t need to, I am his wife. A fact that you seemed to have forgotten in your haste to bring my husband home last night from our wedding reception. I am Mrs. Jaxon Stratford and with that comes responsibilities. Like the removal of trash from my husband’s presence and acquaintance. “ I let my eyes trail over the faces of those watching the destruction and chaos I am engineering before them. Let them feel my anger, hate, and determination to destroy each and every one of them if they cross me. I am fucking dark vengeance reincarnated into Stella Penticton Stratford.

I nod to the manager and he pulls on Kalista’s arm, attempting to pull her from my presence as she tries to pull out of his tight grasp, spittle flying from her perfect lips. “I hate you, Stella. Jaxon will never leave me for you, he loves me. You think he will stand for the way you are treating me?” She continues to screech all the way to the door before being ushered out of the building.

I don’t bother to hide my thoughts or feelings from those still watching me with stunned looks on their faces. I place my elbows on the table and steeple my hands in front of me. A thrill of energy making its way through my system at the look of fear on their faces and the feeling of power that surrounds me. I don’t raise my voice, there isn’t a sound being made in the room right now and I know they are completely enrapt at my every word.

“Those of you that thought you would continue with having certain…relationships with my husband. Fair warning, Miss Cain is an example of what will befall you should you raise my ire. If she attends any of your events or crosses your thresholds, consider yourself barred from mine and Jaxon’s presence. I suggest you not present yourselves in my path, I am completely without mercy.”

I dismiss them all with a nod, indicating to the nervous waitress holding a tray laden with my lunch to serve me. I have no appetite right now, in fact my stomach is tight as a knot, but I need all of these cockroaches to believe that I am in fact the ice queen that they named me. They should begin to fear me, it will keep them away from my husband and ensure they don’t meet with my wrath.

I raise a sip of the glass of white wine the waitress poured me to my lips in toast to the first day of being Mrs. Stratford.

What is that term they use to salute a queen?Long may she reign?I fucking intend to.



“Don't mess with her, she isn't delicate like daffodil, she is delicate like dynamite.” Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

I’mfuriousasIdrive home in my scratched up grayAston Martin Vantage Volanteto the Stratford estate, my blood pressure is skyrocketing and the desire to wrap my fingers around my wife’s slender neck is so strong that my grip on the steering wheel has my knuckles white.

Someone took a sharp tool to the sides of my two hundred-thousand-dollar vehicle and carved the words“cunt & man whore”into the front doors. If that wasn’t bad enough the giant phallus painted on my hood is the cherry on fucking top. Of course no one saw a damn thing in broad daylight, in a private company parking lot. As if I wasn’t already on the verge of exploding, the images of the day play out before me and distract me from my drive. The one I am currently doing at a speed guaranteed to get me a meeting with my maker.

Kalista entering Stratford Industries and my office in a blind panic, with make-up smeared across her beautiful face and begging me on her knees to stop my wife’s destruction of her life and livelihood. I couldn’t make sense at first, of what she was even rambling about. She was so hysterical that every other word was an anguished sob.

Then the phone calls from acquaintances started to pour in rapidly. It wasn’t lost on me that it was mostly women calling me to beg me to keep my wife from destroying their lives. Shit even certain husbands that had enjoyed me cuckolding them in the past were calling, desperation and fear laced in their voices.

Apparently, my little ice queen of a wife, decided to flex her power muscles as the new reigning queen of the elite. Her first target, not really a surprise,Kalista Cain. She decided to teach both Kalista and me a lesson it seems. One that everyone watching the utter destruction she has caused won’t soon forget. The vindictive little cunt, even after I agreed to her pound of flesh. I should have realized that she would retaliate, I underestimated my wife, something I don’t plan on doing again.

Stella is not taking chances with my faithlessness, and instead has stacked the deck in her favor. Ensuring that any woman I would have dabbled with is now utterly petrified of her wrath and the majority of husbands that would have previously looked on indifferently to their wives’ dalliances are now paying strict attention, not wanting my wife to come after their empires. I almost want to applaud her in her deviousness, that is if it wasn’t my life she was playing with.

To add insult to injury, my assistant refused to come within a ten-foot radius of me all day and her face paled every time I spoke to her. All the other women in my office scampered off and hid as if I was the devil coming for their souls anytime I stepped out of my office. Word has apparently reached everywhere of my wife’s ruthlessness.

As angry as I am, I have to acknowledge that it was a well played out offensive move. My wife is cunning, cold, and calculating. She also doesn’t seem quick to forgive, a warning that I am taking very seriously.

I had the shares and board seat transferred to her name this afternoon, per her new assistant’s request, which she didn’t even bother to acknowledge. I am sure she was too busy ruining others’ lives. Thomas Penticton will have a coronary when he realizes how many shares his daughter now holds. My shares combined with hers, almost gives her the majority shareholder position with forty-nine percent. He should fear my wife, it seems he has underestimated her brilliant mind and she will no doubt make him pay for using her as a bargaining chip.She’s out for blood and all of us should be wary of her.

I pull past the opening gates of my home and try to calm my enraged breathing down. I can’t go in there with my temper ready to explode and try to deal with Stella. She will no doubt be expecting my wrath and will have a way to push my buttons further so that I don’t proceed with plans to fuck her little cunt raw. The only thing keeping me sane at the moment is the knowledge that I will be punishing her with my cock later. Ensuring that she submits to me in every way. The thought has me rock hard in my pants as I pull into the vast six car garage.

I immediately notice a little blueLamborghini Countachparked in one of the slots in the garage. A vehicle that was for sure not there when I left this morning. It seems my wife is full of surprises; I know for a fact that she didn’t own that car before our marriage. All of her assets were listed in the marriage documents. She’s been shopping and it doesn’t seem like she showed restraint.

I trail my fingers over the hood of the car, it’s sleek and sexy like my wife and made for thrill seeking, smooth riding, and speed. I wonder if my Stella will give me half the same experience tonight between her creamy thighs. Her tight pussy this morning and the way she rode her passion to completion, makes me believe she will.
