Page 30 of Rise of a Kingdom

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Once my vision isn’t seeing two of Stella, and I am sure I won’t collapse back on top of her, I lift my upper body off of her and pull my fingers from her ass. A moan leaves her lips, and her pussy clamps down on my cock. I’m already semi-hard again, but I think if I go another round with her right now, she may get her wish and become a widow.Death by orgasms, what a way to go…my body cheers loudly.

I pull out of her cunt and move my body entirely off her, stepping back and falling into the chair behind me. Stella’s pink cunt, is on display before me and glistens with her own arousal and my cum that is dripping out of her.Fuck that’s a sexy sight. I roll the chair forward on its wheels and lean forward using my fingers to spread my cum over her pussy lips and up to her puckered hole, slipping my cum inside of her there. She cries out, and her body shakes with the feeling of my fingers once again inside of her.Fuck I need a taste of her.

I slip the three fingers of my other hand inside her seizing core, and my lips latch on to her swollen clit, sucking it hard and then using my teeth to graze the overstimulated bundle of nerves.

“JAXON! FUCK!” Her cries are loud as she thrashes against my fingers and mouth. I suck harder and fuck her with my fingers, pushing her into another orgasm. When she detonates, her arousal leaks out of her covering my face and dripping down my chin, and satisfaction races through me.

“Please…no more! I…can’t! No…more!” She begs and I finally relent, removing my digits from inside of her. I lean back in the chair, completely blissed out and feeling like a king that just plundered the kingdom. That right there is my kingdom, my paradise, and I mean to enjoy it every chance I get.

I watch with a grin breaking across my face as Stella tries to regain feeling in her legs, looking like Bambi trying to take her first steps. She falters hard against the desk, her body trembling, and it causes delicious shivers to skate across my heated flesh. She’s boneless, ravished, and wholly undone, and I am a proud peacock for having caused her condition.

She turns towards me, her eyes sparkling with mischief and satisfaction as she braces herself against the desk. Her skirt lowers so I can’t see her beautiful cunt, but her breasts are still displayed through the flimsy blouse I ruined and her sheer bra. The desire to slip my semi-hard dick between the two creamy globes fills me, but just as I move to grab her, a sharp pain racks my chest. Fuck, what was that? Was that my heart?Well, you did almost die a fucking month ago, you savage heathen. Then you rutted your wife like a goddamn animal—mymind sneers.

“Jaxon, are you alright?” Stella’s hands land on either side of my face, concern races across her stunning features, and fear is immediately evident in her arctic eyes. I know her being scared shouldn’t fill me with fucking joy, but it does. What the hell is happening to me? How did this woman get so far under my skin?

“I’m fine, beautiful.” I wrap my arms around her body and pull her towards me so my lips can meet hers in a tender kiss. When I break the kiss after a few moments, a pink blush is across her cheeks, and her lips are swollen and red. She pulls back, taking a few steps, sitting atop the desk, and staring back at me. Whatever she is going to say is one hundred percent about to piss me off. I can already tell she is reigning in her emotions and putting up her frosty walls.

I pull myself to my feet, happy that the dizziness has subsided, and I don’t immediately fall on my ass. Before she can open her little viper mouth and take some of the glow off our amazing fucking sex, I kiss her lips and move away from her, tucking my cock back into my pants as I shift towards her office door.

“Where the fuck are you going, Jaxon?” She calls out with annoyance. A grin crosses my lips at her tone. I love it when Stella is angry and annoyed at me. I look forward to enraging her over and over for the rest of our lives together. Another sharp pain in my chest seizes me, and I almost falter in my steps toward her door. For however long that may be, I look forward to make up sex with my little ice queen.Better be a fucking long time, I’ve only just begun claiming and leaving my marks on her body, don’t you quit now, motherfucker, I admonish to my heart.

I look back just as I open the door and stare at the disheveled and satiated mess that is my wife. “I’m off to plunder the rest of my kingdom, little wife. Make sure you return home early tonight. I feel like enjoying more of my spoils with that pretty cunt of yours.” I walk out the threshold of the door and turn back around. She’s standing there with her hands on her hips, looking irate and like she wants to throw something at me. Maybe even the damn blade in my back. “Little viper, there will be no more separate rooms from this moment forward.”

Then I walk away, My shirt still wide open and blood drying on my chest, passing the shocked face of her assistant and the smirk on the face of the armed guard, who both no doubt heard me loudly fucking and spanking my wife. I wink at her fucking assistant and lick my lips obnoxiously until a red flush appears on his clean-shaven cheeks.That’s right motherfucker; she belongs to me.All in all, this has been a glorious fucking day.

Just one more stop before I can head home. I need to teach a traitor about touching my fucking prized possession.



“I have learned to hate all traitors, and there is no disease that I spit on more than treachery.” Aeschylus

AsIwalkthroughthe front door of my house, the house I share with my asshole husband that left me boneless this afternoon, anticipation is sizzling in my veins. The thought of seeing Jaxon after this afternoon’s activities and his promise of more enjoyment has kept me company and distracted all afternoon. It didn’t help that he left me filled with cum, pantiless and in utter disarray. I had to ask Tyson to grab me another shirt, as mine was utterly ruined.

The embarrassed look on his face when he presented me with a new shirt had my blood pressure rising. I don’t want men looking at me with sly smirks or knowing that I was a brazen whore for Jaxon.You were a brazen whore, you even let him fuck you with his fingers up your ass, and you enjoyed it. You cummed over and over like his very own porn star.The snide bitch in my head replies.

Shit, the memory of the feeling of his fingers and that hard long cock inside of me has me clenching my thighs tightly. I should be embarrassed, never mind, I should be horrified with myself, but all I care about right now is getting more of that hard dick pounding that Jaxon teased me with. He has created a fiery need inside me, one I mean to satisfy with his long cock.

“Mrs. Pox?” I call out loudly. Usually, the staff is present the minute I pull into the driveway at night. Tonight seems to be an exception; where are they? Did Jaxon send them all off tonight so we could have the estate to ourselves? Maybe he plans to fuck me in every room of the house. A whimper leaves my lips at just the possibility. I should try to show some damn restraint. I saw the way he looked pained after he fucked me so hard across my desk.

The one I will never be able to sit at again without picturing myself getting pounded into. The one I had to have Tyson and the guard move back into place with complete mortification as it was almost across the room when Jaxon finished with me.

I need to rein in my desire and needs. Jaxon is just barely out of the woods from his injury and heart attacks. The doctor said no strenuous activity for two months, yet I let him rut into me like a lion marking his territory this afternoon, and I want more, so much more. Maybe he can lie back and let me take over all the hard work tonight? A smile crosses my face at the anticipation of the power and control that will give me over him. I’ll ride him into the fucking ground and cum all over his face again. I can’t wait to watch the heat rise in his dark gray depths as I take charge of our intimacy. Maybe he’ll even let me tie him up?

“Fergus?” I call out but get no response. I climb the stairs to the master suite, needing to get out of these clothes and have a shower before anything more happens with Jaxon tonight. I enter the bedroom, slipping my heels from my feet, and come to a dead halt.

What greets me has shock racing across my face and my mouth hanging wide open. Ajax is gagged and tied to a wooden ladder-back chair next to my bed in my bedroom. His face is battered and bleeding. One of his eyes is partially swollen shut. His clothes are torn and bloody in various places, and he’s struggling fiercely in his bindings.

If that wasn’t enough of a horrifying sight, Jaxon is sitting across from him on the edge of my bed with a glass of red wine in one hand and a bloody knife in the other.Jesus fucking Christ, he’s lost his mind!

“What the fuck is this, Jaxon?” I question and move further into the room. Fear is sliding up my back and my brain is trying to comprehend what it’s seeing.What the hell is happening here? Has he completely lost it now?

“This, my lovely viper, is called retribution.” Jaxon snarls and takes a deep sip of wine, looking relaxed as if he doesn’t have a man bleeding and tied to a chair next to him. “Mybest friendhere tried to take something of mine. In fact, he tried to do more than that, didn’t you, Ajax?”

As I move closer, I realize that Ajax’s left hand is hanging limply and oddly in his lap, and all four of his fingers are broken and bent backward.Holy shit!I have to swallow back the cry and the feel of immediate nausea at their grotesque appearance.

“Release him, Jaxon. Have you lost your fucking mind?” I scream and move towards Ajax to try to release his bindings.
