Page 31 of Rise of a Kingdom

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“I wouldn’t touch him if I were you, Stella, unless you want to see me break more of him before we have our fun. Every piece of your delicate flesh that comes into contact with his will have me carving his flesh right off of him.”

His words have me stopping in my tracks and staring wide-eyed at a screaming Ajax. His cries are muffled by the thick gag in his mouth. Tears trickle down his battered face, and his brown eyes plead with me to help him. I don’t know what to do here. Jaxon has obviously lost his mind. He’s behaving unhinged and possessive again, and I genuinely fear for what else he will do to Ajax and what end result he’s trying to achieve.

“This is sick, Jaxon; you’re deranged. You can’t hold him here like this. You can’t punish him like this for trying to take me from you.”

Jaxon stands and moves towards me, a graceful predator, the blade still grasped tightly in his hand. He discards the wine glass on the side table, where I notice another one is already poured, and the bottle is placed.Is he really enjoying a glass of wine while his best friend bleeds before him?I don’t know what to make of this Jaxon before me. Should I be afraid that he’s going to hurt me next in his quest for retribution? Have I married a psychopath, after all?

“You see, little ice queen, Icanhold him here like this, and Icanpunish him. In fact, he has gotten off lightly so far. My blood is calling for further vengeance, and it will have its price. He tried to take something of mine not only with his words, not only by trying to convince and seduce you, Stella but with his reprehensible actions.“ He trails his warm fingers down my cheek, cupping my jaw and leaning forward, his breath skating across my lips. “He almost took your life with his callous actions, and that Stella, is unforgivable. Your. Life. Belongs. To. Me. Alone.”

My gaze is riveted on Jaxon’s strong jaw and Roman nose, the way he parts his full lips, and the swirling anger in his dark slate eyes. His hand wraps around the back of my neck, and his fingers tighten, pulling me forward into his hard chest. His firm lips land on mine, forcing mine to part for him and give him entry to plunder my mouth. For a moment, I lose track of my very wits and kiss him back, small whimpers leaving my open mouth with how thoroughly he kisses me. My temperature is rising, and my nipples are puckering in my bra. Jaxon pulls back from the kiss and trails small open-mouthed kisses along my jaw and down my neck, shivers and goosebumps rising everywhere he lingers.

My eyes meet Ajax’s tortured ones over Jaxon’s shoulder, and I return to myself, pushing Jaxon away from me. He takes a step back, a smirk of glee on his face; then he turns to stare at Ajax. “Explain what the hell is going on here, Jaxon. If you have done all of this in a jealous rage, you have wasted your time.”

“Oh, Stella.” He sighs deeply and takes a step back away from me and closer to Ajax. Ajax whimpers and flinches in the chair the closer Jaxon moves towards him while still holding the blade in his hand. “You always think of me as the villain, don’t you?” He slides the blade's edge down Ajax’s cheek, and tears cascade down his face. “This time, though, I am not the heinous villain you portray me as. I’m not a saint either, but I will be your avenging angel in this instance.”

He yanks the gag down from Ajax’s mouth until it sits just below his jaw and places the sharp blade across his Adam’s apple. “You get one chance to confess to her what you did. If you try to stray from the whole truth, I will slit your fucking throat like a pig at the slaughterhouse and then fuck my wife in your blood.”

Ajax stares up at Jaxon with resentment and rage across his damaged features. “You’re a psycho; you don’t deserve her.” He mumbles, and I watch as a smile breaks across Jaxon’s face. He brings the blade next to Ajax’s ears and trails the tip into his flesh until blood wells up and tricks down Ajax’s neck. A cry leaves Ajax’s lips and has my shoulders tightening. “I warned you, didn’t I? To stop being a fucking coward. Tell her the truth!” Jaxon roars.

Ajax turns his gaze away from Jaxon and meets mine. The look of abject fear and distress across his face. His eyes beg me for forgiveness, but for what, I am not yet sure. Realization hits me and has my breath stuttering in my chest; he’s not just scared of Jaxon and his unhinged behavior. It’s what Jaxon is about to reveal to me that has him truly frightened.

I take a step forward towards the two men, both at this point earning my suspicions. I don’t know what to think about what is happening here, but I have the sense that whatever is going to be revealed will devastate me. “What does he mean, Ajax?” My words are uttered softly, but there is ice present below their tone.

Sweat breaks out across Ajax’s forehead, and he gulps loudly. A lone tear trickles down his cheek, sliding down his blood-smeared jaw and disappearing into his blotchy neck. Ajax licks his bloodied and busted lips and stares at me with fear and trepidation. “I…I…never.” His voice stutters, and he tightens his lips closed into a straight line. Jaxon pushes the blade's tip back into his skin, and a whimper leaves his mouth.

“I...I never meant for get hurt.” Jaxon’s fist connects with the side of Ajax’s chest with a hard thud. A grimace and a groan make their way to Ajax’s lips. “You were never supposed to get hurt...” He takes a deep gulp, and Jaxon punches him again, this time causing his air to wheeze out of his mouth, “not…more… than... a scratch.”

“What are you talking about, Ajax?” Dread fills the pit of my stomach. He’s looking at me with such despair that I feel it right in my own bones. I’m frozen to the spot, unable to move or walk away from the site before me. “Tell her, you fucking, dirty cunt.” Jaxon grits between his teeth, the wrath flashing across his face has me taking a step back.

Ajax’s eyes flash in a moment of anger and spite toward Jaxon’s before returning to mine. “The gunman…he was never supposed to hurt you. He was just there to…scare you. To scare you to…leave with me.”

My legs threaten to give out on me at the words tumbling from Ajax’s lips. “What? You…you sent him to scare me? I don’t understand. Why would you do that? You had…someone shoot at me.” Disbelief is making its way across my mind as I try desperately to make sense of Ajax’s confession.

A look of shame crosses Ajax’s face, and he can no longer meet my own horrified gaze. My eyes rise to my husband, whose eyes are two fiery pools of molten steel, and his jaw is locked in fury. I can feel the current of electricity and violence between us. He wants to hurt Ajax. No. He wants to do more than hurt him. He wants his pound of flesh and to destroy him.

“I just wanted you to leave him…Stella. You wouldn’t listen…to reason. I thought if you realized how…how dangerous being his wife could be... you would leave him.”

My hands are two clenched fists at my side. My nails dig deeply into the flesh of my palm as I shift forward until I am no more than a foot or two away from the two men that both look like unhinged psychopaths before me. One holding a blade to the other.Who is more dangerous to me here?The one holding the blade or the one confessing to having someone shoot at me and strapped to a chair?

“You paid a man to shoot at me Ajax? How could you? He could have killed me! He almost killed Jaxon!” My hand flies out and my knuckles meet with Ajax’s nose in an awful crunch. An anguished cry leaves his swollen lips. “STELLA! Please! Please, I love you! I have always loved you. He…he was just supposed to graze you. Just to scare you. Jaxon wasn’t even supposed to be home!” Ajax’s blubbers, blood pouring from his nostril. “Jaxon seeing him and charging into the room surprised him and his shot went wide.”

“YOU ALMOST KILLED HIM!” I have never felt so completely filled with burning anger as I do now. My whole body is trembling, my breath leaving me in quick pants. I can’t control myself when I slam my fist into Ajax’s nose once again. It’s not enough though, it doesn’t cause him enough pain. Not nearly as much as Jaxon suffered. He almost died because this fool tried to manipulate me and control the narrative. He almost killed his best friend.

“Stella…I… love…you.”

“Give me the blade, Jaxon. I want to slice him open.” I hold out my palm in my husband’s direction, my hand vibrating with energy between us.

“No beautiful wife, you will never have to dirty your hands, I will always be your vengeance.” He moves the blade over the side of Ajax’s head, cutting off chunks of his hair and nicking his scalp until blood runs in trickles down the side of his face. He slides the blade down, slicing through the fleshy part of Ajax’s ear and then across his cheek leaving cuts in his wake.

Ajax’s screams fill the room, echoing off the walls and causing my stomach to clench painfully. “Stella please! Have mercy!” Ajax begs loudly as I watch my husband slice him open, one cut at a time until his face, neck and head are covered in so much blood that it’s all you see. I should be appalled. I should be reining Jaxon in and stopping this madness, but I don’t utter a single word in protest to his actions.

If anything, glee fills me at seeing Ajax’s blood after knowing the horrors that Jaxon suffered because of his reckless actions. This deranged animal really thought that I would have run off with him after he had a trained assassin shoot at me. That I would have been frightened enough to leave my empire behind and run off into the sunset with him. How fucking pitiful and weak he must have believed I was. He never valued me; he too saw me as just a possession to steal for his own.

“She will show you no mercy, you fucker. You could have seriously hurt her; you could have killed her. You would have rather risked her life so you could manipulate her than see her have a future with me. I will send you to the devil for almost taking my queen from me.” A large cut opens on Ajax’s shoulder blade and blood slides down his chest. “She was always mine. She will always be mine.” Ajax’s screams are getting louder and Jaxon looks like he’s losing control of himself. The sound should be frightening to me. I shouldn’t be standing here watching this. No normal person would just watch as a man is tediously tortured before them, but I can’t seem to force the objection to cross my lips or my body to move to stop Jaxon’s actions.

Maybe there was never anything normal about me. Satisfaction, pride, and lust rushes through me watching my husband carry out painful justice against someone who tried to hurt me, hurt us. My core clenches and wetness trickles down my inner thigh, my nipples getting painfully hard underneath the shirt I’m wearing at every slash of the blade in Jaxon’s hand. I am so aroused at his anger, at him taking justice into his own hands against the man that tried to take me from him. His nostrils flare, like he’s scenting me, like he knows I am aroused at his actions. At the blood of an enemy coating his hands. Make no mistake, Ajax is an enemy.

“Are you wet Stella?” The question comes out raspy and filled with need as Jaxon halts the blade’s motion over Ajax’s heaving chest.
