Page 39 of Rise of a Kingdom

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Myofficedoorslamsopen, causing the walls to vibrate around me. I look up from my computer, the one I had been staring at but not focusing on for the last hour, to greet a red-faced and angry Thomas Penticton.This day just got fucking worse, if that’s even possible.

Is all of the world trying to test my patience and mental stability today? Do they not realize that I am almost at the end of my rope and about to start burning shit down? Once I lose control, there will be no going back. I can feel myself free-falling towards the abyss, darkness, and my rage calling to me, begging to be let loose on the unsuspecting world and set it ablaze.

My lovely viper of a wife had me served with divorce papers very publicly at the country club this morning.Why was I at the country club having breakfast instead of at my home, where I have staff ready to serve me and cater to my needs?Let’s see, oh, because my staff are a bunch of fucking traitors and are trying to drive me insane by serving me fried repulsive liver, nonstop. A food that I can’t even stand the smell of. If that wasn’t bad enough, I had to buy a whole new wardrobe since an unfortunate bleach attack happened in my closet three days ago. Let’s not even talk about the fact that I’m down to one pair of shoes and sleep with one eye open.

My life is falling drastically apart and it’s all due to my scheming and vengeful wife. The one that won’t even allow me to speak to her so that I could explain my side of the story. The one that every day she is gone is destroying me little by little. My heart and emotions are taking the constant battering of hits she’s sending my way. I have become a cautionary tale to the married men around me, and she has become an inspiration to scorned women everywhere.

Literally!A random woman spit on me yesterday on the sidewalk outside of my office. She very eloquently let me know she was on Stella’s side. Then there was the barista two days ago that spit in my coffee while I watched, and passed it to me with a smile, telling me that I deserve everything Stella is serving me. When I venture out my door, the women in my office sneer at me with distaste, and even some of the men have started giving me pitying looks. I ampersona non grata; pretty much everywhere I go now, thanks to Stella. I’m sure she’s sitting back and enjoying my misery.

Now here is her fucking father to aggravate the rest of my already miserable day. What the fucker could want from me right now, other than to destroy what’s left of my sanity, I don’t know.Maybe he wants to kick me while I’m already down?Stella is close to bringing me to my knees, a place I reserve solely for eating her juicy cunt. The one I can’t get to, because she is hiding from me in parts unknown.

“I will have words with you, Jaxon!” He bellows, coming further into the room and shoving the chairs before my desk aside, causing them to go flying. He leans down, both fists braced on my desk and proceeds to bring his blotchy, red, angry face closer to mine. So close in fact, that I can see the large vein throbbing dangerously in his forehead, his nostrils flaring like a deranged bull, and smell his rank breath.

“Thomas, to what do I owe the pleasure?” I try to smile, but it’s hopeless. I can’t even feel any joy in egging Stella’s dad on. Stella has even taken that joy away from me. It doesn’t have the same appeal if she’s not here to witness it.Fuck, I am really falling apart here.

“You reckless idiot. You humiliated my daughter publicly with that blatant whore. The one you reassured me you were leaving in your past on your fucking wedding day!” His giant fist collides with everything on my desk, including my monitor, and sends it crashing to the floor. “You have managed to destroy everything in less than six months. How is that even possible, you maggot?” He slams his fist down once again, making the solid wood table shake. “I was informed my daughter publicly served you divorce papers today, at the fucking country club!”

I shift in my seat, watching his breathing increasingly ragged. My own leaving me in angry pants. Does he think that I, too, am not humiliated? Does he honestly believe that I would have done that to Stella? That I would have cheated on my possessive and spiteful wife? Of course, he does; what reason have I given him to think otherwise?

“I thought when you took that bullet meant for her, that there was a real chance for this marriage to succeed. That you truly understood the precious, valuable piece I placed in your greedy hands. That you would honor my daughter, and together the two of you would grow a legacy, ensuring mine and your father’s bloodlines never ended.”

I try to interject, but he slams his fist down again, and the remaining items shatter to the ground. “Shut up, Jaxon. I am fucking speaking! You had better get down on your miserable knees and beg my daughter to take you back. Crawl through broken fucking glass if you have to.” He leans forward until his hot breath is inches from my own face.

“If she doesn’t, Jaxon, I will ensure that I use all of the money and power I have left to ensure she takes everything you own. I will help my daughter destroy you, you miserable, traitorous piece of shit!” His fist flies out and slams into the side of my face, causing my office chair to slide back and slam into the windows behind me. My face is throbbing, and I’m a bit dazed. I watch him turn his back and walk towards my office door, his shoulders rising and falling with rage.

Shock and disbelief are racing through my body, not only at the fact that Thomas just hit me, but that he obviously cares deeply about Stella. I have never seen this side of him. He always made it seem like she was nothing but a prized piece to pass back and forth to get what he wanted. Has he come to realize the value of my beautiful wife? Could he want a healthy relationship, rather than the strained and miserable one they share now?

“Thomas, I love her. I never fucking cheated. I was set up!” I rise quickly, making my way over to him and grabbing his arm, forcing him to have to halt his steps and turn back around to face me. I meet his furious gaze with mine and let him see the truth of my words. .

“I love her; I’m in fucking love with her.” I should be shocked at my own words, at my declaration of love for Stella after such a short volatile time of being married to her, but I feel them deep in my soul. I am in love with her, and have been for a while now, if I’m being honest with myself.She is my everything, and without her, I am just fucking broken.

He stares at me for a moment, still breathing heavily, and then shrugs off my hold. “Then you had better find her, Jaxon, before she destroys you both in her quest for vengeance. Stella can be hell-bent and determined when she sets herself on something, and right now, that’s on destroying you.”

He leaves my office without a look back, and my heart thuds painfully in my chest. I run both of my hands through my thick hair, yanking on the strands and trying to come up with a way to get to my wife. I need her to listen to me, to give me a chance to explain my side of what occurred.Do you think it will really matter? She doesn’t love us; she hates us. My mind whispers with vehemence. It has to; I can’t live without her.I refuse to live without her.

I’m making my way through the underground parking lot toward my temporary vehicle when something slams into me from behind, knocking me off my feet and forcing me to my knees. Someone grabs me from behind, locking their forearm around my neck and cutting off my airway. I try to fight off the assailant, forcing myself to try to stand, only to have the back of my knee kicked out and being forced right back down. A cold metal object is pressed against my cheek, and I can see from the corner of my eye that it’s a gun. My whole body stills instantly, letting the air leave me and my frame to go slack in the assailant’s arms.

“Oh, Jaxon, how you disappoint me, after I had high hopes for you.” The voice is feminine and sweet, coming from behind me as her footsteps echo off the parking lot concrete. She moves before me, and I watch as she tilts her head to one side to stare at me, disappointment and hurt across her features.

“Ra…chel.” I try to gasp through the tight hold.

“I warned you what I would do to you if you hurt my daughter Jaxon, and you have. You have hurt my daughter horribly. The one that sat next to you endlessly when you were in a coma. The young woman that has done everything to help you build your precious empire up, despite her horrid father selling her to you like a prized cow.”

Rachel moves closer to me until I can see the flecks reflected in her blue eyes. Eyes similar to my wife’s, yet strangely different. One’s that are currently staring at me, filled with malice and rage. Unadulterated terror fills me as I stare into Rachel’s eyes with the promise of retribution and pain. She did fucking warn me.Please, God, don’t let me die at my mother-in-law’s hands.

“Lo…ve her,” I force out through a choked breath. The forearm of the brute behind me tightens against my throat until I am starting to see nothing but shadows as my vision dims.

A snort leaves Rachel's lips, and she motions for her rough minion to loosen his grip so that I can finally take in a stuttering breath. “You love her? Is that how you think love works, Jaxon? Do you think love includes cheating on my daughter with Kalista Cain?”

Her hand strikes forward, slapping my face and making my ears ring.Fuck! She hit me in the same damn spot as her fucking husband earlier!My face is going to be black and blue, that is if my cheekbone isn’t already broken with Thomas’ hit. Does everyone in the Penticton family mean to take a swing at me today?Shut up and be grateful she hasn’t shot you yet, idiot!

“I was set…up, Rachel. I never cheated.” I gasp, trying to shrug off the hold of the fucker behind me. The gun is now very firmly pressed against the side of my head; one wrong move and this fucker could blow my brains out. “I went out…to that…lobby…alone.” I should be perturbed that Rachel Penticton has men doing her dirty work.What the hell is she involved in?

“So you told my husband earlier. Here’s the thing though, Jaxon, I am not so easily convinced, and my daughter will be even harder to persuade.”

“I was set up…by Kalista in a way to get back at…Stella and to try to get me back. I didn’t cheat, she made it appear as if we were together, cornering me and trying to compromise me, but I pushed her away. I FUCKING PUSHED HER AWAY!” I shout in rage. “The look on my face was for my wife. I was remembering earlier in the evening when I was with her. I needed to step out of the room…umm…because I was…”

Rachel’s eyebrow rises at me in expectation and fuck it if I don’t feel spite at being forced to spit my truth in front of her. “I was fucking hard, Rachel. Hard because I was daydreaming about my wife’s pussy. Is that what you want me to confess? FUCK!”
