Page 48 of Rise of a Kingdom

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The one time in the last two weeks I managed to make Stella scream from me eating her perfect juicy cunt under her home office desk, I ended up with a gun pressed to the back of my fucking head. Let me tell you how quickly my boner disappeared.Poof, motherfucker.

Yet here we are at the fucking office, because Stella won’t stay put! “Stella, are you almost done?” I walk into her office and she looks up from whatever she is reading on the screen in front of her, a look of confusion marring her perfect features. God, I want to bite down on that plump lip and make her bleed for me. Unfortunately, we are supposed to be attending a charity dinner tonight to benefit the “Widows of Fire Personnel.“ A function that Stella refuses to miss and one that I am attending with a bowling ball of dread in my gut.

This will be our first public appearance since that magazine cover came out and she was stabbed. Not that anyone knows that happened. No, the home invasion and her killing her assailant was made to disappear with a lot of zeros from our bank account. We wanted to make sure that there was no mention anywhere of the attempt, let whoever hired that fucker wonder if he’s still out there or if he’s six feet underground.

“Just one more moment, Jaxon. I am just going over this acquisition. Did you authorize this purchase two months ago of a bunch of construction sites in the south that had taken over an area of low-income housing?” Her eyebrows furrow, and she bites down on that lip I’m craving to suck. “The developers have gone bankrupt and lost millions of their investors’ money. The sites have been overrun by gang violence and set ablaze. Why did we buy this?”

At first, I have no clue what she’s even talking about. It doesn’t sound like an investment that I would have made. Why would I have acquired construction sites in a low-income housing area? I rack my thoughts and move closer to her desk, making my way around and leaning over her to get a look at the document on her screen. Her glorious scent invades my senses, and I lean down to rub my lips against the warm column of her neck. I’m just about to suggest we skip the dinner and lock the door of her office, when the memory of my wedding reception niggles at the back of my mind.

A devious smile crosses my face as I remember fucking over those cretins weeks after my reception that were bragging about being able to steal low-income housing from the poor for pennies on the dollar and transition them to condos for the wealthy. Leaving all those poor people displaced and without suitable housing. I wanted to fuck up their plans and throw a wrench into their progress, so I called in a couple of favors from the local gangs and had the construction sites terrorized and set ablaze. I paid off local law enforcement to look the other way and the insurance adjusters to refuse payment. When their investor tucked tail and ran for the hills, I bought all the properties up for basically nothing. My plan was to transition that area back to affordable housing and even build a few schools and some daycares. Ones that would help the people of those areas prosper rather than continue to struggle daily while rich fucks like me prospered on their hardship.

Nothing brings me such joy as being able to fuck over and destroy other wealthy assholes. Do I make enemies that way?Maybe. Are they too chicken shit to do anything about it?You bet.

“I was playing a little game of chicken and bulldozer with a few of our wealthy friends. It’s nothing to worry about, love. We are going to make an investment to the community and earn some goodwill and some tax incentives from the government. Even build a school that is dedicated to my father.” I kiss her neck again, swirling my tongue over her soft skin and then sucking hard on her flesh to leave a mark. Fuck that has my dick hardening in my pants. I love to see Stella covered in my marks.

“Jaxon, this is not a small investment, we are talking about over two million dollars.” She shoves me away from her. Her eyebrows raised closer to her hairline, and a grimace across her beautiful face.Fucking great I have once again displeased my little ice queen.Just with that look of annoyance across her features, I know there is zero chance I’m getting into her panties.Damn it! My fucking cock is already hard!

“It’s chump change. Nothing to worry about. Now let’s go and get this fucking night over with so I can go home and fuck your ass.” I drag her up from her seat and kiss her soundly until her breath is leaving her in harsh pants and a pink color is streaking across her cheekbones.

I’m fucking angsty sitting here while my wife is steps away, shaking hands with different widows. All I want to do is get this night over and done with. Stella’s supposed to be making some fucking speech in a few minutes and handing over a check for a million bucks to this charity.

I don’t know what it is, but a feeling of unease is skating up and down my spine. My eyes keep tracing over all the different people in the room. I don’t see anything out of place, but my gut is telling me something is wrong.

I must not be the only one, cause Clark is no more than two feet away from Stella looking menacing at anyone that approaches her. His eyes on constant patrol through the room and meeting the other security personnel across the space. They communicate soundlessly with each other and each go back to patrolling the room’s inhabitants.

I shake hands with another acquaintance, but don’t focus on any of the words he’s blithering out of his mouth. My attention is solely on the dark-haired beauty that I want desperately to wrap my arms around and take home. She looks up over her shoulder, feeling my eyes on her. Her blue eyes are bright and filled with mischief as they meet mine, a small smile graces her pretty lips. She doesn’t look worried, Stella always projects strength even when she doesn’t feel it. It’s one of the qualities I most admire about my little ice queen.

The event organizer leads her away from the crowd of recipients and to the side of the stage area, Clark follows right behind her, ever her faithful and lethal shadow. My eyes skip once again over the room and I feel the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end. I begin searching for whoever is staring at me and giving off the malevolent energy I can feel in the room. My glare centers on three of my acquaintances off to the side deep in conversation. They are sending me dirty scathing looks. I gift all three of the fuckers with a snarky smirk.

Fisher St. John, Jeffrey Cain and River Stanton. The same fuckers from my wedding reception that were so smug and the very ones that Stella and I were discussing earlier about that investment I made. I stare them down, daring them to approach me and reprimand me for sweeping in and fucking up their investment. None of them will meet my glare, fucking cowards. Jeffrey Cain looks agitated and unkempt, a look of malice across his features as his eyes track Stella across the room.

The look and anger radiating off of him has me paying closer attention to their little group. I nod at Clark in their direction when his eyes meet mine from across the room. Jeffrey Cain has every reason to hurt Stella. Kalista’s father has suffered the brunt of my wife’s temper, after all, she did set his house ablaze and destroyed his daughter’s credibility and future. I want to feel sorry for the man, but even after all these years as his acquaintance, I never liked the fucker.

The organizer is now walking across the stage and tapping on the microphone to get our attention and requesting for everyone to return to their tables. I sit my ass down, still feeling out of sorts and watch as my gorgeous wife walks across the stage after her introduction in those sexy as fuck heels. The ones that are going to be up by my ears later on if I have anything to say about it. I don’t see Clark, but I know he can’t be far and will be positioned in the best way to protect Stella.

“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s an honor to be here tonight and bring light to the Widows of Fire Personnel Fund. On behalf of myself, my husband Jaxon, and Stratford Industries, I would like to present this check for one million dollars to the director of FPF…”

She doesn’t get another word out before someone is yelling from the back of the room. The words “die you fucking whore” are shouted and then it sounds like fireworks are erupting throughout the room. Except it’s not fireworks, it’s fucking bullets! Various people are shooting from different parts of the room. People are getting hit and falling to the ground, others are running in panic. Some have fallen to the ground screaming and are hiding under the tables.

It’s pure fucking chaos!Where the hell is Stella?I push away from a man in front of me who took a bullet and stumbled into me. His heavy body knocked me into the table behind me and caused me to lose my balance. His blood gushes from his neck wound, spraying me. Screams are all I can hear coming from every direction. I crouch down and start to move between the tables, making my way towards the stage and the last place I saw Stella standing. There are casualties everywhere, the shooters are still hailing bullets throughout the room. A large grunt greets my ears as the man hiding below the next table gets hit and stumbles backward.Holy fuck! I have to get to Stella. Where is Stella?

I spy a glimpse of gray and red and move toward where I think Stella is hiding off the side of the stage. I’m just a few feet away from her when the shooting suddenly stops, and a loud voice thunders through the room.

“Stratford, you had better come out if you want your little whore of a wife to live.”



“Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.” Buddha

Ohmygod!Someone is spraying bullets across the room. My eyes land on the event coordinator, Sasha, lying prone on the floor a few feet away from where Clark has me crouched. Her eyes stare sightlessly up at the ceiling, blood streaming from the wound in her forehead that ended her life too short.

Who the hell is attacking us?My eyes try desperately to dart around Clark and search for Jaxon. I lost track of him when the shooting started, and fear slithers across my whole body. My throat is clogged with sobs, and tears are sliding down my cheeks unchecked. I need to get myself under control and be strong. I can’t break down when I need to protect Jaxon and myself.

There seems to be multiple shooters throughout the room, gunning people down without reason. Is this some sort of terrorist attack against the wealthy, or is this someone after Jaxon and me? My questions are answered with a loud shout from across the room that has me trying to stumble to my feet in horror.

“Stratford, you had better come out if you want your little whore of a wife to live.”
