Page 102 of Star Season

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“But you’re going to regret this, and I’m not going to be the guy who didn’t respect your decision, and—”


“I’m going to be strong and resist you this time,” I said, opening my eyes to glare at her.

She raised her eyebrows. “Really? That’s what you’re going to do?”

We ended up in my bed.

She took off all her clothes, and I thought her body was the most intriguing thing I’d ever seen, and I put my mouth all over her belly and then between her thighs and she shuddered against me and let out these broken cries, and I told her that seeing her this pregnant, knowing that I’dmade herpregnant, it made me crazy hot in a way I couldn’t even fathom, and she bucked her hips up into my mouth and I licked her until she came.

Then I put my pleasure cock there, andIcame, my pleasure cock seizing up just from the touch of her wetness, just from being between her thighs again.

But we kept going, and I made her fall apart again, and then I went off to find her as many pillows as I could so that she could be comfortable and sleep next to me, and we lay like that, peering at each other over the mound of pillows, and she kept saying it.

“I love you.” She traced my face with her fingers. She touched my antlers and it made me shudder.

I said it back. “I love you, too,” I breathed. “And I love the baby, and I love having you here, next to me. I love all of this.” I had a feeling that when she left again, my heart was going to shatter, but every time I thought that, I pushed the thought away. I didn’t need that right now.

We said it again and again, until we drifted, enfolded in the soft darkness of sleep.



I screamed, because there was someone in Holston’s kitchen.

The person was a donen woman, and she was wearing an official-looking gleaming badge hanging around her neck, and she drew back, taking me in, and her lips parted.

Oh, stars.

You know, Holston had said a thing about an unrelated heartbreak. I’d thought he’d been deflecting, but maybe hehadhad a fling with this woman or something? Why else was she in his house?

She was gazing at my very pregnant belly. “Lose me in deep space,” she said, pointing at me. “Is that Holston’s?”

I put both of my hands over my belly. “Um, are you his girlfriend, because he didn’t mention anything—”

“No,” she said. “No, I am…” She cleared her throat, lifting a finger. “But, you know, he definitely didn’t say anything to me about some pregnant human woman either.” She spread her hands and talked directly to my belly. “But it lines up, look how far along you are, and he was in a rut, and he disappeared and practically blew the entire case when we needed his testimony, and—” She broke off. “Fuck.” She went around me and out of the kitchen.

I followed her. Holston’s house had a lot of windows and it was made out of a lot of wood and natural finishes. There were a lot of plants inside, hanging in baskets, sitting on the floor in pots. It was nice.

I mean, I loved his house. I had loved it the first time I came here. It was areallygreat house.

“Look, he probably didn’t tell you because he didn’t know,” I said, defending Holston for some stupid reason. Of course, I was still confused. Shewasn’this girlfriend? “I didn’t tell him until recently, and he made it out like he wasn’t involved with anyone, but then I guess I didn’t act like I wanted us to be romantically involved at all, so…” I did keep saying that we were just pretending last night, which we were, but… but I’d had this stupid idea when I woke up this morning, and now he had a girlfriend, and that was still cheating, even if it was pretend, and I was not going to be the other woman, no way.

“He and I are not involved,” she said, going straight for a small wooden table where there was a handwritten note. She snatched it up, letting out a relieved breath.

“Natta?” said a voice from the doorway.

Both me and the donen woman turned.

Holston was there. “Natta, what are you doing here? Is there some new development with the case, because I thought we were just waiting for sentencing? Did you let yourself into my house?”

The donen woman—who must be Natta—cringed at him. “This was a huge mistake. I am mortified, and I’m leaving. Forget I was here.”

“So, it’s not about the case?”

“What case?” I said.

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