Page 26 of Star Season

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“Right, your mating cock would descend and you could… could breed then. Could breedme. It’ll mean you can…”

“You said you had an implant, though, right? You’re not fertile. Of course, your scent, I don’t get that.”

“Really?” I said, sitting up straight. “What? Do I smell fertile?”

“Why do you think this is happening?” He seemed annoyed.

“I’m not,” I said. I held up my arm. “See? Implant, right there. It’s good for gecycles. You put it in and it’s fine.”

“And it’s a hundred percent effective at always stopping every single one of your cycles?”

“Well… I mean…” I pulled up my bracelet, but when I tried to search for anything, it just said,Out of range of information networks.

“Let’s go back,” he said. “Let me take you back now.”

“No,” I said. “I have to get to that ship. It’s my mission. It’s important.”

“Everyone on that ship is dead. It can’t be that important.”

“I have to get to the ship, whatever it takes, whatever I have to do. There are things on the ship that the resistance needs.”

“Okay, but they’ll keep, right? Just… if you could give me enough time to go back down there and get my suppressant working again, maybe get your implant looked at? It might be a fogemoon, maybe two—”

“We’re already halfway there,” I said. “We can get there tomorrow, right?”

He didn’t answer me.

“Right?” I said.

“Today,” he said. “If we’re going, we should go now. I can’t sleep any longer.”

“Great, let’s go,” I said. “The sooner we get this done, the less likely that there’s any second mounting.”

His face twisted. He looked terrified.

“Have you ever…”

“No, it’s never descended,” he said. “Never once. And whatever I just did with you… it’s notlikethat, not usually. I was out of control.”

“I liked it,” I said in a tiny voice.

“But the second mounting wouldn’t be like that. Because the pleasure cock, it can’t… I mean, if we somehow managed it face to face, I guess, it could stimulate you, but typically, the mounting, it’s less… as far as nature is concerned, the female orgasm is just for ovulation, so the female doesn’t need to feel pleasure during the mating, so it’s just… I think it might be… brutal.” He swallowed. “I don’t want to do it. I don’t want to ever…”

“Oh, come on,” I said, squaring my shoulders. “You’re being silly. No one in my own species has clit stimulators attached to their dicks, and we fuck those men all the time anyway, and it’s not brutal. Furthermore, I assume sometimes, your species does go off suppressants to reproduce, right?”

“You want this?” He glared at me. “That’s what this has been all along. You’re on some… what? I guess it’s true what they say about human girls, that you’re sex addicts who are insatiable and who just want to be shoved full of as many different species’ cocks as you can manage, maybe in succession, maybe at the same time, maybe in all of your orif—”



“Sorry.” His voice was hoarse.

“No, this isn’t actually some weird porn holovid,” I said.

“For the record, I don’t want this,” he said. “I don’t want any of this. I just want to go home.” He sounded scared and small and lost, and it should have made me feel sympathy, but instead it made me feel annoyed with him, disgusted with his weakness.

“Grow a pair,” I said. “Let’s stop talking and get this speeder going.”
