Page 39 of Star Season

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Suddenly, there was a flash of tusks and claws and Holston went backwards, landing in the fire in a shower of sparks, a vvoln growling into his face.



I screamed.

I know. Totally girly thing to do.

He wasinthe fire, though.

He rolled out of it, letting out a scream of his own, rolling on top of the vvoln.

The vvoln shied from the sparks that had come up, backing away. It growled at us both, fierce, threatening.

I picked up the knife that he’d used to skin the animal we’d cooked. I brandished it, going for the vvoln.

“Shei!” he screeched.

“What?” I said. “I’m not going to just cower here and be the stupid woman while you fight the big, scary beast.”

“Uh, how many of those big, scary beasts have you killed?”

“Well, none, but that doesn’t mean I can’t kill them.”

“Granted, granted,” he said. “But we should play to our strengths, huh?”

I stabbed at the vvoln.

It backed up further, letting out another growl.

Holston was next to me. “Give me the knife,” he said. “You build up the fire.”

“Oh, okay,” I said, nodding. “Yeah, I can do that.” I gave him the knife and I turned to the fire.

Build it up, right.

I mean, that meant, uh, what? Adding wood?

Well, Holston had gathered a handy pile over here, so I’d just grab one of these big logs…

Wait, I’d done this before, put on a big log and it had totally smothered the fire. I needed to get some smaller kindling to get it going hot before I tried to get this big log on. I set it down and gathered up handfuls of the smaller twigs that were sitting next to it.

Crouching next to the blaze, I fed it the twigs, letting it get bigger and bigger, and then I went over to get the log and I nudged it in.

It didn’t catch right away.

I got more twigs, pushing them in, here and there. Fires were kind of complicated, weren’t they?

Oh. There. It was catching.

“Good,” said Holston. “That’s good. It’ll take a while to burn that down.”

“Are you going to kill the vvoln?” I said. “I thought you said they were afraid of fire. Why did it do that?”

“Because we were…”

“Oh,” I said. “Is it attracted to the smell of sex?”
