Page 45 of Star Season

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But somehow, I couldn’t.

I could only do one thing.

Run faster.

I picked up my feet and careened through the trees, going around the ship now, out amongst the trunks of the trees which loomed up shadowy in the darkness. I ran as fast as I could, ran like my life depended on it.

And he caught me, because he was so much faster than me on those hooves of his. I’d thought before that he was like a blur.

He caught me and he pressed me face first into one of those tree trunks, and his very hard, very huge cock nudged itself between my legs, but I was wearing pants, and no matter what it was he was doing with that thing, it couldn’t getinme.

I struggled.

“Stop,” he managed in a garbled voice. “Still. Go still.”

I obeyed him.

He panted into my neck. He rutted my crotch, poking into my pants-covered body at all sorts of points. And then he stopped and backed away. “Do not run,” he ordered me in a gravelly voice.

I was still plastered against the tree. “Okay,” I whispered.

“Okay,” he said.

I looked over my shoulder.

He was backing up. His cock was jutting out from his body, and it was enormous and fully erect—thick and brown, the head of it a dark red color, almost crimson. It glistened. It was gorgeous.

I sagged against the tree.

He kept backing up.

I moved away from the tree.

He put his back to me.

Together, far apart, we made our way back to the ship.

But he didn’t go in. He stood outside, shaking his head. “It’ll be better if I stay out here, I think.”

“Okay,” I said in a breathy voice. “Okay.”

The ship did not look wrecked. It was one of the rounded Thebe-K111s, which resembled nothing more than a flying disc—which is kind of funny, because I’ve been told humans used to call spaceships flying saucers, and it’s possible that they were seeing these Thebe ships, but back then, when they weren’t abducting women for breeding but just grabbing people for study and observation, they were probably the Thebe-K3s, which are older and you don’t see as much of them anymore.

It was up on its landing wheels, which extended out of the disc, and it looked in pristine condition. I entered the query code I’d been given to open the hatch and it came down with a hiss.

I glanced back at Holston, who had his back to the ship now, staring out into the darkness.

Then I climbed aboard.

The hisec I got up inside the ship, I smelled something awful. It smelled like death. I grimaced, but I supposed I’d known that was likely what I was going to find here in the ship.

I began to walk up the corridor into the ship. As I walked, the motion-sensor lights came on, illuminating a small space in front of me a little bit at a time. As I walked, the stench grew stronger.

And then, a set of lights came on and illuminated a pool of blood. It wasn’t large, maybe the size of my fist.

I got closer.

More blood. Drops of it.
