Page 5 of Star Season

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These days, the Toth have a whole generation of half-Toth women and they are steadily trying to breed out all the human characteristics, so they don’t want humans anymore.

Andeverythingelse does.

Maybe I shouldn’t actually say the first thing. The Toth maybe didn’t want to breed us anymore, but they seemed to have developed some kind of sexual fetish for us. Witness the prevalence of Toth-human porn, as Holston referenced.

Well, there was lots of human porn in general—human girls with every species you could think of.

Anyway, I could have gotten off Jenthe easily enough if I wanted to trade sex for credits and freedom. But I chose the resistance instead. Maybe, though, it was that prevalent attitude in the galaxy towards human women that made me think it wouldn’t be that big of a deal to just spread my thighs for Holston.

Or maybe it really had been too long since I got laid.

“Caspe and I can probably come get you,” Sienne was saying. “This assignment, it’s insane.”

“But we need those schematics,” I said. It was a new ion cannon that the Toth had just created. If we had all of the digital files on how to make one, we could use it to know their weaknesses and to create our own weapons against the Toth. It really was important, and I didn’t take this assignment lightly.

“Maybe,” she said. “It just seems like they should have sent someone else.”

“I can handle it,” I said.

“You’re all alone,” she said. “I don’t like it. Look, maybe Caspe and I should come anyway. Have you seen what Caspe can do with his tentacles? This one time, he and I were in this abandoned lab on Geheri—”

“You were on the Toth homeworld? Was this for the resistance?”

“Um, no, it was before that. Not the point. The point is, he’s pretty lethal when he needs to be, and whatever these vvoln things are, I think—”

“I can handle it,” I said. “You guys have your own mission.”

“At least let me send a message up the chain about your situation,” she said.

“No, don’t worry about it.” I took a deep breath. “I’ll figure it out. I can handle it.”

“Saying that ten times is not going to make it actually true.”

“Sure it is.” I grinned at her.

She shook her head, laughing. “Okay, okay, fine. I’ll do nothing, then. And we really are on our way to the other side of the galaxy, so it wouldn’t be easy to get back to you. Even so, you say the word, and we’ll turn around.”

“I don’t need that.”

“If you do, though?”

“Sure, if I do,” I said. “But I won’t.”


I sipped the rest of my drink in the corner, sitting alone, feeling off balance.

So, that was a human female, huh?

Well, then.

Obviously, when you were part of a species that only got aroused sexually on a seasonal basis anyway, sex was a completely different proposition than if you were like the Toth, who could go anytime. Well, lots of species were like that, opportunistic breeders. The seasonal thing was not necessarily the norm. The fact that our species survived so long being that way and getting pulverized by the predators that decimated us every mating season was kind of crazy when I thought about it.

Nature finds a way, that’s the thing. Nature is tenacious.

Anyway, the point was, there were a lot of donen who were sort of jealous of the anatomy of everything else out there. They’d take synthetic stimulants designed to make them aroused outside of the seasonal paradigm just to experience the whole thing.

It sounded insane to me. Complicated. Expensive, because it involved buying the stimulants and then usually paying someone for sex, also. It’d be one thing if you fell in love with some woman who wasn’t a donen, I guess. It went without saying that women of our own species were usually not particularly down with indulging this whole thing with donen males who were trying to compete with the Toth or whatever.
