Page 57 of Star Season

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For a long time.

She screamed and sighed and cursed, and jerked my head around by tugging on my antlers, and I licked her and licked her and licked her.

And finally, finally, she convulsed against me, sobbing and sagging into the wall.

I kept licking until she shoved me away, using my antlers to do that, too, and then I collapsed in a heap and gazed up at her, at her bare, dripping pussy and her heaving breasts and her closed eyes and she was the most beautiful woman in theuniverse. “I’m yours,” I said hoarsely. “Do whatever you want with me.”

She opened her eyes in slits and giggled. “Holston…”

I shook my head. I groaned. “What am I saying?”

“You’re taking it back?” She was disappointed.

“I’m just… that was… did you consent to that?”


“But I mean, really? Because, I think you just accepted it as an inevitability and decided to make the best of it.”

She giggled again. She came over and offered me her hand.

I took it. I let her help me to my feet.

She wound my arm around her shoulders.

We walked down the corridor like that.

She guided us into a room where there was a narrow bed, and she lay down on it and tugged me down with her.

I wrapped my body around hers.

She took off her shirt, muttering something about comfort. She yawned. “Nap?”

“Nap,” I breathed. I was tired too. I burrowed down into her. I usually found sleeping in the same bed with another person uncomfortable, and I would pull away and roll over to sleep unencumbered, but she felt like the lost part of me I hadn’t known that I was missing, and I fell asleep against the soft wonder of her breasts, and it was perfection.


I woke up with Holston’s antlers in my face, and I grabbed them and pushed his head away.

He sighed, rolling over onto his back, and stayed asleep.

Of course he did. The man could sleep throughanything.

I peered down at his sleeping face.

Well, this is all fucked up, Cypra,I said to myself. What were all these weird tender feelings I was developing for him? Should I be doing that?

You should not,I answered myself.

I traced a finger over one of his antlers.

He shivered and jerked away, eyes fluttering.

This made me giggle.

He opened his eyes again, taking me in. “You’re still naked,” he said.

I snorted.
