Page 1 of Legend in my Bed

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When girls talk about having daddy issues, it can be bad news. Seriously, it really can be.

But the shit with my father? I'm not trying to say that he gets the Fucking Asshole Father of the Year Award, except, he totally does. He's such an ass that I don't know how my mom hasn't upped and left him yet. He deserves to be divorced and cut out of our lives forevermore.

Maybe one day, she’ll work up the courage to do what needs to be done. I sure hope so, but until then, we need to get out of here.


My best friend, Erika Slade, just upped and vanished one day. I swear that had to have been one of the scariest days in my entire life. I thought she had been kidnapped.

Turns out, that’s only what her asshole father wanted everyone to think.

He said that his wife and daughter had been taken, and he acted like a grieving man hellbent on finding his loved ones.

An act.

He killed his wife, hid the body, and Erika had witnessed it all, so she fled.

She didn’t even tell me where she was for the longest time, so when she finally got in touch, I didn’t know what to think.

Her father and mine were both involved in a motorcycle club called Thunder Crows here in Texas. Her father was the president, but he chased Erika out to California.

And he put my father in charge.

Now, Mr. Slade is dead.

And I’m such a terrible daughter that I wish my father is dead too.

Because the Thunder Crows? It’s not just a motorcycle club.

It’s a front.

For the mafia.

My father is now a mafia boss.

Who the hell even knows if the Thunder Crows even will listen to my father, but he’s been acting differently for a while now. Even before Mr. Slade started with his bullshit sob story.

When I thought Erika had been kidnapped, that she might be dead… that had been one of the lowest points of my life, but now that I’m living this nightmare…

My mom's sitting at the kitchen table with me. Her hands are on her coffee mug, but she hasn't taken a single sip since I handed it to her almost an hour ago. I've been on my computer, just bullshitting around, trying to take my mind off things, but I finally shut the laptop.

“Have you looked into getting a divorce yet?” I ask.

“Katie Quake, that is none of your business,” my mom says sternly.

“Like hell it isn’t. Mom, do you want Father to do what Mr. Slade did to his wife? Mr. Slade murdered his wife—”

“Katie, you shouldn’t—”

“It’s the truth. Whether or not you want to hear it, them’s the facts.”

“Your dad is a good man who has made some questionable choices—”

“Does he have to threaten you with a knife or a gun first? Because the screaming matches you two have been having are bad enough, but if they escalate…”

“They won’t.”
