Page 46 of Heart of Sin

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“T, you look upset,” he laughs. “You okay?”

I can’t hide the loathing from my expression as I glare at him. “I’m fine.”

“‘Cuz you look like you’ve copped an attitude. I can see why the trick was turned off. Seems you forgot those hard lessons I taught you. You need a refresher?” He starts toward me, and I try to be tough.

I don’t let myself flinch. I hold his gaze. All while inside, panic and fear eat me up and I feel like I’ll either pass out or throw up any second.

D stops in front of me and grabs my chin with his rough, heavy hand. He jerks my head up so he can study my face and the healing bruise near my eye.

“That shit must’ve been swollen as fuck.” He whistles.

I shove his hand away and press myself deeper into the sofa cushions. “There’s nothing left to discuss. I’ll make up the money. You leave Z out of this—AHHH!”

“You don’t run shit. I do,” he growls, gripping me by a fistful of hair. “I own you… and Z. If I want her to start tricking, she’s gonna trick. Your cracked out mother ain’t gonna do shit about it either. Only reason I haven’t is ‘cuz you’ve still been providing.”

“Then let me do it! Shit, D, what else do you want from me? I already said I’ll get him back.”

“He doesn’t want your ass back. He told me himself.”

I’m twisting against his tight grip until his words sink in and I go still. The sick feeling returns.

There’s something I’m missing.

He’s here for a reason. Something more than me losing a client.

Big D lets go of my hair and stands back, eying me in cruel amusement.

“You’ve spoken to Kilroy?” I whisper.

“He hit me up,” D answers. “He was pissed as hell so much of his money was going somewhere else.”

“How would he… how did he get your contact info?”

“Randall at the club.”


“He told me some grimy shit about you, T. Some shit even I didn’t know.”

“He’s lying. He’s mad I broke things off.”

D laughs. “How’re you gonna say he’s lying? I haven’t said what he told me.”

My eyes close. It’s the only thing I can do right now. D stands over me, dominating and powerful, about to make me pay.

“You had his teeth knocked out,” D says slowly. “You sent some guys to hem him up.Mafiaguys.”

“D,” I choke out. “I… I didn’t. I didn’t ask for that.”

Louis and Gio did it on their own.

“Last time I’m gonna tell you to shut the fuck up when I’m talking, bitch. I let you come to Vegas to make me money and you’re fucking with the mafia, T? Why would you get in good with them unless you’re plotting?”

I shake my head. “I had a customer who happened to be in the mafia. I’m not affiliated. I’m not plotting anything—”

“Real snake shit,” he talks over me. Rage deepens his voice and clenches on his face. “You sent ‘em to beat up your sugar daddy. Did you think you’d be coming for me next? You’d get out of our contract if you take me out?”

“That’s not what I was doing! That thought never crossed my mind!”
