Page 58 of Heart of Sin

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My emotion wears off on Falynn. She gets choked up too, tears glossing in her eyes as she smiles at me. That’s what’s always been funny about the two of us. Whereas Gio and Tasha are more the type to avoid feelings, Falynn and I are more on the sensitive side.

“Thanks, Lou.”

“Don’t mention it, Mrs. Falynn. I’m gonna come visit when I’ve got the vacation time.”

She laughs softly. “You’re welcome whenever you want. But what about you? What’s on the horizon?”

“Oh, you know. This and that. I’ll be doing what I do best—crushing skulls and making little bitches piss themselves.”

“Lou! You know what I mean.” She laughs at my groan. “I saw you two dancing. So?”

“So what?”

“So how are things? She wouldn’t answer when I asked if you two were here officially as dates.”

I’m able to avoid answering, saved by the song ending. Guests swap dance partners and I find myself paired up with Carlotta.

But really, I’m searching the crowd for Tasha. I want a second chance to speak with her. Make our moment more meaningful.

The last time we were together she made it clear we couldn’t be together.

You deserve a woman with her shit together. That’s… not me. Not right now.

What she didn’t understand was that I didn’t give a damn what she did or didn’t have. We’ve all got our issues. I’m damn sure not perfect.

A disappointed sigh blows from my lungs.

She’s nowhere to be found. She must’ve left the reception early.

Most guests party for the next couple hours. Unsurprisingly, Gio and Falynn left forty minutes into the occasion. They were last seen dashing off toward their manor. From what Gio’s security crew on the island tells me, they received strict instructions he and Falynn were not to be disturbed under any circumstances.

Tasha never returned.

I hung around for a while longer, mostly sticking to some of the guys, like Fozzi and Dominico. But Dominico was with his wife and Fozzi had a date, so I was more of a fifth wheel than anything.

Night’s fallen and the reception’s finally fizzled out. Many guests have retreated to their hotel rooms. Originally, that’s where I was headed before I decided to take a detour and stop at the hotel bar. The drinks are strong and the lounge area is fairly empty.

“Thanks,” I say as the bartender slides my whiskey on the rocks across the counter. I’ve yanked off my tie and undone a couple of the top buttons on my dress shirt. No use being prim and proper when the occasion’s over and I’m alone.

The whiskey burns my throat just right. It’s pleasant and familiar.

I’m bringing the glass up to my lips for another taste when I realize I’m no longer alone. Somebody’s walked through the doorway, into the dimly lit bar. Both of my brows jump higher as I watch Tasha approach.

If I didn’t know better, I swear she’s worked up to this. It’s in her walk. In her smile as her eyes meet mine.

She’s nervous.

I sit up straighter, no longer slouching. “Tasha…”

“Mind if I join you?”

“Please do. Here, need help?” I get up to help her onto the tall stool. Her heels and dress make it that much more difficult. “Drink?”


I turn to flag down the bartender and then realize she’s stolen mine. A surprised laugh rumbles out of me as I look over and see she’s swallowed a large mouthful.

“Sorry,” she says. “I… I wasn’t sure if I should… come over.”
