Page 23 of Cursed with Fortune

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“Hmmm, I need to make sure your fur is completely dry before bed.” He looked around, grabbed a hair dryer, then picked me up and carried me to the laundry room.

He opened the dryer, put me in, plugged in the hair dryer, and began blowing me with hot air. I growled and tried to run, only going in circles while he chased me with the noisy machine.

I’m going to bite his ass the next chance I get.

After the longest fifteen minutes of my life, he stopped and reached in to pet me. I slapped his hand away, hissing.

“Okay, sweet girl. I get it. You’re mad.”

He collected the towels, tossing them in the hamper, and then left me in peace.

Chasing me around this circular hell. Pfft. What am I? A cub?

As I walked over to my perch, I felt the heat rising in me again. Memories flooded back of making fun of the older females in the Pride, for the way they yowled and their aggression.

Now it made sense, and I went to find Frank.

Joy coursed through me when I found him lying face down on his bed. I hopped up, yowled, and licked my way up his legs. In between them, his balls were nestled, and I licked them, pushing my tongue between them and his leg.

“Cilla!” He wiggled his ass to distract me. “You can’t lick that!” He scolded me and I growled before I bit his ass cheek.


I yowled again and jumped back off the bed.


I stalked out and went to the big window where I could curl up and watch the clouds slowly move, enjoying when I saw Apollo drive his chariot to bring darkness to the sky.

With a sigh, I wished I could shift and looking at my reflection, here I sat. Still a cat.

Tears fell down my cheeks. Big, fat teardrops. I enamored Frank as Pricilla, the cat. Hell, I’d watched him perform the most intimate act a man could. What would he say if he saw me in my form as a woman?

The tears rolled faster, and the pain inside me became overwhelming. I tiptoed my way to the back door and let myself outside. I needed to get rid of all my sadness. Then I could go back inside and snuggle with him.

And I knew I had to let my ardor cool off.

Sitting on the back porch, a handsome black panther walked into our yard. His chest puffed up and lifted his head to scent the air. His green eyes twinkled in the moonlight and he came closer to me.

He took a seat about ten feet from me and sat up. His glistening cock poked out from his sheath and he licked his lips.

Uh-oh. I better go back inside. My pheromones must be very strong if it brought him to the yard.

I tried opening the door, but I heard more chuffing and I yowled, banging my paw on the door. Glancing over my shoulder, there sat a tiger with the panther and he scented the air, puffing up his chest too.

The door opened and Frank looked down at me and let me in.

“Shoo!” He motioned to the boys, and the tiger roared at him.

He stepped back and closed the door, then crouched down to pet me. “Poor girl. How did you get out?”

I made a humming sound and head butted his shoulder before my tongue darted out and licked his neck.

Seeing the male cats’ cocks did nothing to me, but Frank’s? I ached to feel him inside me.

“You’re acting weird, Pricilla.” He scratched behind my ear. “I’m going to call Red.” He kissed the top of my head and stood up, heading into the sunroom.

I flopped down on the floor and scratched my back while yowling and then went in search of him. His scent drove me wild, and I wanted more.
