Page 24 of Cursed with Fortune

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He hung up when I padded into the room. He sat at the table and I half climbed in his lap, my hips humping against his leg.

“What are you doing?” HIs hands stopped petting me and he pushed me down from his lap.

I’d heard of blue balls and now I understood that too! Why isn’t he taking a hint and giving me what I need?

He got up from the table and made himself a cup of coffee before settling back in to sketch. I paced through the house, meowing, yowling, and howling. My eyes continually scanned to find something to ease this ache in my pussy.

About an hour later, Red knocked on the door and I heard him get up and let her in. “Thanks for coming, Red.”

“Of course.” She followed him to the sunroom. “Where’s Pricilla now?”

I wandered back in and hissed at the beautiful woman. Long black hair, bright green eyes and curves I’d kill to have.And she’s near my man.

“Oh.” Her eyes went wide, and she smiled at me. “Hello. Pricilla.”

I stalked over to Frank and rubbed my head on his hip, brushing against his hand as I let out a yowl.

“She’s in heat.”

“She’s what?” Frank dropped to his chair, and I climbed into his lap, nuzzling his head with mine.

Red laughed softly. “She’s marking you, and her heat cycle can last four days.”

“She’s in heat?” He tried looking around my head, but I wanted his attention on me.

“Oh, very much so.” She nodded, and I snarled at her. “She sees me as a threat.”

“But you’re her doctor.” He pushed my head to his shoulder, and I groomed his neck.

“I’m also a woman who could be a potential mate for you.”

“What do I do?” He stroked my side down to my tail and kept repeating that calming motion.

“Well, you can wait it out.” She ticked a finger off. “Or let her outside for one of the male cats to ease her hormones?” She ticked off another finger. “Or you could artificially stimulate her.” She ticked off another finger.

“What if I wait it out?” He rolled me onto my back so he could pet my belly. “I don’t like the idea of the males outside touching my precious girl.”

“It’ll be a long heat cycle and you might lose your mind, but you could do that.”

“How do I artificially stimulate her?”

“I’ll have something sent over by messenger for you. You can keep it on hand since you don’t want to spay her.”

“That’ll work.” He scratched under my chin.

Red turned and moved towards the back door. “Great. I’ll bill you.” Then she slipped out, leaving us alone.

Each of my purrs, yowls and hums fell on deaf ears. I wanted my mate to fuck me.Fuck. Me. Hard.And all I get are these soft pets and caresses that make my pussy quiver!

Red confirmed I’m in heat. Does that mean I need to avoid Frank? I don’t want to avoid him. I want to be beside him and lick him.

He tastes so good. And his body feels so amazing.

He stood up with me and carried me to bed, crawling up on it and holding me close. He pulled the blanket up over us and he let me lick him until I fell asleep.

Chapter Nine

