Page 25 of Cursed with Fortune

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“Frank!” Vincent’s voice echoed through my house.

“You are going to owe me big time.” Ralph laughed. “I told you he called off.”

Pricilla yawned beside me and I scratched her side as I whispered in her ear. “Morning, sweetheart.”

Footsteps came closer and Ralph’s head poked inside my room. “A-ha! Slacker!”

“It was a rough night, man.” I stretched and threw the blankets off me. “I had to call Red out.”

Vincent stood in the doorway. “We heard. A messenger brought something to the office for you and since you weren’t in today, we decided to be kind and bring it here.”

“Bullshit.” I laughed. “You’re just nosy.”

“There is that.” Ralph nodded. “C’mon, we brought pastries and coffee.”

Glancing back at Pricilla, I left her sleeping in the bed. I didn’t know what my girl needed, but rest couldn’t hurt.

We went to the sunroom and sat down. Vincent handed me a coffee and Ralph passed the sack from Sinful Temptations in Candyland.

“What’s with the fancy treats?” I asked as I took out a bear claw that was bigger than my hand.

“Porthos came to visit last night.” Ralph winked at me.

Seeing my friend happy made me smile. He had been seeing the retired Musketeer for a couple years now and they were both content with an open relationship. I knew myself well enough to know I’m selfish. I want my lover to be mine andonlymine.

Vincent shook his head at Ralph and took a drink of his coffee before speaking. “What’s in the box?”

“It’s something to help Pricilla with her heat.”

The words no sooner left my mouth and my beautiful cat yowled and came into the sunroom, rubbing herself on my legs and pushing her way into my lap. Both of my friends sat back and watched as my girl rubbed all over my face and wiggled.

I felt my cheeks heat with embarrassment as my cock hardened under her furry ass.

“Something we should know, Frank?” Vincent chuckled.

“No.” I growled and shifted her to her back so I could rub her belly. The scent of musk hit my nose and my cock throbbed beneath her.

Vincent smiled and nodded to her. “I made that collar for someone named Tammy Daring.”

Pricilla tensed in my lap and her head snapped to Vincent as she growled.

My friend tilted his head and looked at Pricilla. “Do you know her?”

She let out a small roar that ended in a growl.

Vincent sighed and looked at Ralph, who shook his head and muttered. “Shit.”

I looked between them and felt my eyes narrow. “What?”

Ralph let out a sigh. “I was watching the news, and they talked about the missing princess from the Pride in Oz. She disappeared on her birthday without a trace.”

“I’m not following.” I stopped rubbing Pricilla and reached for my coffee.

“But wait!” Vincent used a fake salesperson’s voice. “There’s more.”

“The king, Harold Cowardly, died, and the queen was overthrown. The new Pride leaders are Tammy Daring and Jax Strong.”

Pricilla jumped off my lap and ran out of the room. We all watched her leave, and then I looked at Ralph. “What is the missing princess’s name?”
