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Tammy stood up and kicked me in the ribs. “It’s time for you to get gone, little kitty.”

“That’s right, kitty cat.” A male voice mocked behind me. “Time to get gone. No one in the pride wants to be your mate, anyway. Not even the old ones.”

“Shit. I wouldn’t fuck you with a borrowed dick.”

The smell of urine invaded my nose, and I felt the hot stream of piss pool in my fur. I closed my eyes as tight as I could while screaming on the inside.

Hands clapped and Jax’s voice rang out. “Let’s load her up and get her out of here. Tammy and I have a pride to take over.”

Hands grabbed me, lifting me up and tossing me into a crate. Darkness washed over me, closing me in, and I still couldn’t move. Tears dripped down my face and suddenly I couldn’t fight to stay awake anymore.

This is my life now…

“Are you fucking kidding me!?” a woman’s voice growled out. “Assholes. Just leaving crates at the door.”

I saw an eye peering into one of the small air holes.

Her voice softened. “Awww, you poor baby. Hang tight. I’ll have Roger and Dale help me move you inside.”

My crate stank. I didn’t know how long I’d been inside here and I had no clue where they took me.

“Are you fucking kidding me?!” I heard a man’s voice holler. “What is wrong with people?”

“Easy there, Dale. We can take the crate inside and see what we have.”

“Hey guys. I just got here. I think it’s a lioness.”

“Why do people do this, Missy?” The first man’s voice softened with sadness.

“I don’t know, Roger.” She sighed, and I felt my crate shift and move. “But that’s what we’re here for. We care for them and help them find homes.”

I tried to see where they were taking me. Stone walls lined what looked like a hallway and soon they set me down. The nails creaked as they pried the side off, finally allowing fresh air in. Missy gagged and covered her mouth.

Three sets of eyes peered in, and I did the only thing that made sense. I slunk to the back corner and hissed.

“Poor baby is scared.” The largest man I’d ever seen slowly reached out to me. “Here kitty, kitty.” He wiggled his fingers, and I took a swipe at them. He shook his head, and they closed the crate back up.

No! Don’t do that! Let me out!

“She’ll need some food, and we’ll have to have the doc come out and check her over.” The one I swiped at peered into the air hole while he spoke. “Dale, why don’t you get her breakfast while I make the call?”

“Roger, Roger.”

Soft laughter filled the air, and I sighed, laying my head on my paws.

They seemed like they wanted to help. Maybe I could be nicer and see what happens.

I waited for the crate to be opened again, and I wasn’t disappointed when it did. The other large man had a small plate of food and he placed it at the opening. “Come on, sweet girl.”

One paw in front of the other, I crept closer to the delicious food. My stomach growled, echoing in the small confines, and he tilted his head as he picked up a piece of meat and held it out for me.

“You poor kitty.” His hand held still, giving me room to creep closer. “Come to ole’ Dale.”

My nose puffed against his fingers, and the smell of tuna filled my nostrils. I snatched it from his fingers, growling as I chewed. He made a trail with small pieces leading to opening and the plate filled with as much as I could eat.

The hunger overtook my fear, and I followed the trail to the plate, not caring when I felt his fingers lightly on the back of my head petting me. Each stroke was tender, and he mumbled sweet endearments, letting me eat.

When the last of the food had been claimed, his arms wrapped around me and took me to a large sink.
