Page 39 of Cursed with Fortune

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Finally, I saw Ralph pick up her sketch. “Frank, you do this?”

“Nope. That was all my sweet, Cilla.” I ran my hand up her soft leg to her hip.

“This is a gorgeous wedding gown. I like the clean lines and the titch of flair in the sleeves.” He lifted his eyes to her.

“Thank you, Ralph.”

He shook his head and turned the design around. “Who were you designing for?”

“Oh, um, I was just doodling. It felt so good to sketch again.”

He nodded his head, flipped the sketch back for his eyes. “This looks like something princess Calliope is looking for. How long have you been designing?”

“I don’t have formal training.”

He flung his hand. “Pfft. Not what I asked, sweetheart.”

“About five years.”

“Any other sketches?”

“No. I lost them when they brought me to the animal sanctuary.” Her head hung down, and she sniffled.

“What happened that put you there?” Ralph refilled everyone’s coffee.

Pricilla pressed her lips together and shuddered out a breath. “I’m a coward.” She sighed. “It’s not that I don’t want to do something with my life, but I didn’t want to be the next “ruler” of the jungle. My mom told me I’d adjust to it. My dad was a big pansy about it, saying maybe pushing me wasn’t the best idea.”

“Not to be mean, but Harold is not known for his firm ruling nature.” Vincent shrugged.

“I know!” Pricilla shook her head. “There was a girl near my age named Tammy Daring. She was the leader of the mean girl squad. Her and her mate Jax wanted the throne. Well, on my birthday, I was under the waterfall sketching and the squad showed up. They made me a cake and gave me cream and then presented me with the collar.”

“How old are you?” Ralph tilted his head and his eyes scanned her body.

“I’m twenty-one.” She blinked a few times and looked around at all three of us, stuffing another bite of a pastry into her mouth.

Vincent licked his lips and let out a small chuckle. “Darling, Frank is forty.”

Her shoulders lifted in a shrug. “And? Does age matter to giants?”

I placed my finger under her chin and turned her head to face me. “Not to me. I love you.”

A soft smile graced her face, and she leaned in, brushing her lips against mine. “I love you too.”

“Darling?” Vincent cleared his throat. “Can we have the rest of the story?”

“Oh!” She turned back to them. “I’d always wanted a collar of my own. Theirs made me extremely jealous, so I was super excited and put it on.” Her shoulders fell. “And not even minutes after, I felt weird and then my body shifted to a full lioness. They taunted me, locked me in a travel crate, and I guess that’s how I ended up at the animal sanctuary.”

Ralph sat up and braced his head on his hand. “I wonder if they drugged you.”

“They would almost have to.” Vincent had a disgusted look on his face. “You poor dear.”

“It… it’s not all bad.” She leaned her head on my shoulder. “Frank found me.”

“I already asked if she wanted to go home.” I held my girl tighter against me.

“This is my home.” Her soft voice squeaked out.

“Your mother has been worried about you. You should at least let her know you’re safe.” I stroked the back of my hand down her cheek.
