Page 40 of Cursed with Fortune

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“You’re right. But I refuse to go back there.”

“Well, if that’s how you feel.” Vincent laughed. “Do you want to be a fashion designer?”

Her eyes filled with tears. “My mother said it was a ridiculous dream.”

“That is not what Vincent was asking.” Ralph picked up the sketch again and his finger tapped his lips. “If you had the material, workstation, and time, could you make this?”

Her eyes grew as big as saucers. “I’dloveto try. But Mister. Ralph? I’ve never been allowed to learn how to do any of that. All I’ve ever done is sketch.”

“First. It’s just Ralph.” He smiled. “And second. We all have to start somewhere. I haven’t mentored anyone in a long time. I’d love to be your mentor. From this one sketch, I feel you have potential.”

Her head tilted to the side. “Ralph…London?”

“One and only.” He smiled.

“Oh, my.” She reached to hold her stomach.

“You a fan?”

“I. Love. Fashion.”

“Well, how about you and Frank talk? And you can come check out my office sometime and I’ll teach you a thing or two.”

She sat up, grinding her ass against my half hard cock. “Really?”

Chuckling, he answered, “Really. And if you don’t mind, may I take this sketch to show Calliope?”

“You mean princess Calliope from Candyland?”

“Again, the one and only.” He winked.

She nodded enthusiastically. “Okay. So I can make sure I’m not losing my mind.” She looked around at the three of us. “I am sitting on Frank Hammer’s lap. I just met the one and only Ralph London. And oh my gods, Vincent, you said they commissioned you to make the collar.”

“That is one of my pieces.” He nodded.

“No…” Her jaw dropped. “You can’t be. Are you? Vincent…Von Carter?”

“That’s me.”

“Wow.” She squealed in happiness. “All three of you have been men I look up to and now I’m sitting here with you, eating pastries, drinking coffee and fangirling.”

“Darling. We all get dressed the same as everyone. We all eat and shit.” Vincent offered with a wink.

“I know. But for some people, you’re idols.”

“Well, for you, I hope we become friends.”

“I would like that.” She relaxed against me and let her fingers play with my chest hair.

My hand moved up under the shirt and I felt her soft, naked skin. Shit. She doesn’t have anything on under this. I smiled at my friends and motioned to the door with my head.

Vincent tilted his head and chuckled. “I think we need to… go?”

“We can all catch up later.” I nodded.

Ralph cleared his throat and smiled at me. “I’m happy for you both. I’ll send some garments over for you. We can’t have Frank’s girl schlepping around in an oversized shirt.”

“That is so sweet of you!” Pricilla hopped off of my lap and ran around the table to hug Ralph. “Thank you so much!”
