Page 53 of Cursed with Fortune

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Ralph joined in the hug and we all shared how my heart felt. Happy for Pricilla and Gretchen, worried Pricilla would leave, and missing our own parents who all perished at the hands of pirates when they went on a cruise together ten years ago.



“Mom, I’m so, so sorry.” snot bubbled out of my nose onto her shoulder. “I actually believed they wanted to be friends.”

“I know. I know.” She sobbed, holding me tighter. “I fell for the kindness act and thought that it would be a wonderful way to start your reign.”

“But I didn’t want to reign.” I pulled back and looked her in the eyes. “Mom, it’s not me. It’s not what I want.”

“You’re so young. You don’t know what you really want.” She held my face in her hands. “You are the rightful ruler.”

“I’m not going back.” I shook my head and sniffled up my snot. “Iknowwhat I want.”

“No, Pricilla, you…”

“Mom.” My voice firmed up, and I dried my eyes. “I know who I am and what I want. My life is here. In Oz I had no life. Tammy and Jax aren’t going to lead with values that the pride deserves, but I am no leader.”

“Pricilla.” She tried again.

“Nothing has changed.” I shook my head. “You’re still not listening to me.” Sitting back on my heels, I looked up at the ceiling. “I love Frank. I want to be here in Cloud City with him. I want to follow my dream.” My eyes narrowed. “Which you were good with until the guys left the room.”

“I just want what’s best for my only daughter.” She threw her hands up in frustration. “Why is that so hard for you to understand?”

“Because you’re not listening to me.” I stood up. “Being miserable isn’t what’s best!” I roared and took a deep breath.

My mom sat back and looked up at me. “You’ve never spoken to me like that before.”

Hera’s words repeated in my head.Pricilla Cowardly, if you are to make it in this industry, you need to find your mother’s backbone.

“That’s because I never felt I needed to before. A wise woman told me I needed to findyourbackbone if I was going to make it as a designer.”

My mother hung her head and whimpered. “She’s right.” She sighed. “And as much as it pains me, you’re right. I need to let you make your own choices.” Mom stood up and walked over to me. “It’s bad in the pride now. Tammy and Jax are foolish and power hungry.”

“They always were.” I wrapped my arms around my mom. “The question now is, do you want to stay there or take a chance and build a new life somewhere else?”

Mom laughed lightly. “I’ve always wanted to travel. It always scared your dad to leave home.”

“Then let’s make that happen.” I smiled and took her hand to lead her to the kitchen. “Frank, I’m starving.”

He smiled at me, and my heart broke when I saw his red puffy eyes. “Then let’s get ready to go for a delicious early dinner and show your mom the sights of Cloud City.”

Chapter Sixteen

PricillaOne year later

Working underneath Ralph has been amazing. I’ve learned so much and have worked on my collection for fashion week. Hera adored her garment for the coming coronation and wedding of princess Calliope, and today I am working on the final touches on her wedding dress.

It’s sitting on my dress form, and I have the train of the cream-colored silk spread out behind it to make it easier to sew the tiny rainbow pearls on. Being the only one in the workroom gave me time to think, and I really liked that.

This morning, I received a postcard from my mom, she’s spending time in Camelot and last night had a date to take her to the jousting match. It boggled my brain to think how much she missed out on when she was with my father, but she’s making up for lost time now.

I heard the door open and heard the voices of two of Ralph’s seamstresses chatting away.

“I can’t believe Frank settled for her.” Edwina laughed. “He’s worthy of so much more than a timid little kitty who’s afraid of her shadow.”

What? I thought I’d been better lately.
