Page 54 of Cursed with Fortune

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Wilma laughed with her. “I am friends with Tammy Daring and she told me how lame Pricilla was when she lived in the jungle. She said none of the males wanted her, and they all saw her as a forest two.”

I covered my mouth to keep quiet and felt tears fill my eyes.

“Ugh!” Edwina laughed harder. “That’s insulting the creatures in the forest that are ugly.”

Both of them cackled, and I heard them take their seats while they continued their talk.

“I bet Frank needs the light off to fuck that pussy. Goddess knows I would.” Wilma made fake vomiting sounds.

How dare you!I almost got up until I heard Wilma’s response.

“I heard he’s got something planned for while they’re in Candyland. And that’s not the kind of surprise anyone wants.” She chuffed and continued. “He’s been talking to Jackson Sawine about building him a new home.”

“Well, that’s probably the only way he can get rid of her.” Edwina slapped her hands on the worktable. “Plus, it might be easier to move than to get her stench off everything.”

I’d had enough, and I cleared my throat. “You know, I’m here and I can hear you.” I peered around the dress.

“And?” Wilma glared at me. “Frank needs to find a real woman.”

“I am a real woman.” I growled.

“Oh, yeah?” Wilma smiled. “How much time has he spent with you in the last couple of months?”

“Right, Wil?” Edwina smiled. “Everyone knows he’s here “working late”.” She made air quotes. “Your days are numbered. And if he was smart? He’d ditch you in Candyland this weekend.”

My heart sunk.That can’t be true.

Choking back a sob, I got up from the floor and ran from the workroom.

“That’s it! Run timid little kitty!” Wilma yelled after me and I tripped over my own feet sprawling out on the floor.

I scrambled up to my feet and made it to the bathroom, locking myself in the stall. Dropping to my knees, I didn’t fight as my stomach pushed everything up and out. With each heave, I cried harder.

My mind kept replaying the conversion Edwina and Wilma had. They weren’t wrong. Frank had been acting off, but the soon-to-be king of Candyland had commissioned a new bed, and Frank spent a lot of time designing and building it himself.

Oh, my gods! Was he… avoiding me?

I flushed the toilet and stepped out of the stall, then tossed cool water on my face and washed my hands. I needed to go talk to Frank. With my shoulders back and head held high, I got into the elevator and went up to his office.

In my head, I tried to plan what to say, but nothing sounded right. My stomach pitched again, and I took some calming deep breaths and when the door opened, I stepped out and saw him sitting on the corner of his secretary’s desk.

They were laughing when she noticed me. Her eyes grew wide, and she looked like a kid with her hand in the cookie jar.

Frank looked over his shoulder and jumped up. “Pricilla?”

“What’s so funny?” I took a couple of steps closer.

“Oh, just shop talk about a mixup.” He shrugged, and for the first time, I felt like he lied to me.

I pointed behind me to the elevator. “Would you like to go get coffee?”

“Sorry, Pricilla, I need to do a last minute check on the furniture going with us tomorrow.”

Oh gods. He really was going to break up with me!

“I was thinking I might head there tonight, so I have enough time for a last-minute fitting.” My voice trembled slightly, and I willed my stomach to stop doing somersaults.

“If you want.” He nodded. “I’ll meet you there for lunch tomorrow.”
