Page 63 of Cursed with Fortune

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“Did you say it’s not good for the baby?” I sat up fast and didn’t know which part of my pained body to grab first.

“Just caught that, huh?” She smirked at me.

I nodded my head slowly. “They shot me with a tranquilizer. Will that hurt the baby?”

She reached for my hand, patting it gently. “Your baby is just fine.”

“Mom? How do I unfuck what I fucked up?”

“Talk to him.”

I looked around the static white room with all the stainless surfaces and growled. “This place is gloomy.” I frowned as my monitor beeped loudly.

The nurse came in with a smile on her face. “How’s our patient?”

“Miserable. Can I go to my room?”

“Let me check with the doctor, but I’m pretty sure you can.” She cheerily bounced out of the room after stopping the horrible beep.

I wanted to go home to Cloud City with Frank. To continue my internship and have our baby. I wanted him to help me understand how I misunderstood everything and maybe give me another chance.


I packed with plans to head home so I could have time alone. As I placed the items into my suitcase, someone knocked on the door.


“Come in.” I tossed out over my shoulder and noticed Gretchen entering with Ralph and Vincent.

“Party in Frank’s room.” I deadpanned and closed the suitcase.

“We need to talk, young man.” Gretchen pointed at the sofa.

I heaved a sigh and went to sit on the couch. “Yes?”

“Are you building a house to get away from my daughter?” She crossed her arms and pinned me with her stare.

“No. I was having a bigger house built with everything we could ever need to work from home and if we had children.” I swallowed hard. “Why would you think I wanted to get away from her?”

“Because that’s what two of the seamstresses told her.” She shook her head.

“Whoa.” Ralph narrowed his eyes. “My seamstresses?”

“Yes, sir.”

“I have an issue to resolve, if you’ll excuse me.” Ralph slipped from the room.

Gretchen blew out a breath and shook her head. “I came up here to give you a piece of my mind if you planned that.”

“Vincent knows. I was planning to propose and then surprise her with the house as a wedding gift.” I half chuckled in disbelief. “I need to talk to her.”

Vincent opened the door. “Then go find her.”

I dashed out of the room and ran to the infirmary. The bed she occupied was empty and there wasn’t anyone else around.

Snarling at the empty room, I ran back to our room and knocked on the door, but no one answered.

Where could she be?
