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Six Months Later

Zara Joy walked into the local club and she wasn’t sure how she let her best friend talk her into this. A nightclub was one thing but the town’s only BDSM club was quite another. She was sure she wasn’t going to be able to follow through with the dare she accepted and would run out of there like the meek little mouse she was. When Avalon tricked her into agreeing to step out of her comfort zone, she had no clue it would be this far out. Her comfort zone was a distant blip on her radar and Zara wasn’t sure if she’d ever be able to find her way back again. But once Ava found out she hadn’t lost her virginity, as she falsely reported the one and only time the subject came up, she went off and dared her to do the unthinkable.

Truthfully, she wanted a change from her everyday pace and when Ava told her about a new club in town, she was intrigued. The idea of dancing the night away left Zara feeling daring and ready to take on Ava’s challenge. But her sneaky friend never mentioned the new club wasn’t a nightclub but a sex club that catered to the elite clientele who paid hefty fees to join. Ava’s father owned half the town so she had no problem getting Zara into the club as a guest for the night.

Zara’s cell rang and she pulled it from her purse. “Hello,” she whispered.

“Hey girl,” Ava sassed, “did you make it to the club all right?” she asked. Ava knew damn well Zara wouldn’t be able to resist a dare. Zara held the phone away from her face and put her on speaker so Ava could hear the moans and groans of pleasure filling the club. A woman was in the corner, sprawled across and bound to what looked like a saddle, having her ass spanked red by a man standing behind her with a leather paddle. She hoped Ava would be able to hear the sound of the paddle every time it made contact with the woman’s fleshy ass or the way she cried out and then moaned with pleasure.

“Does it sound like I’m at the club?” Zara asked.

Ava giggled into the other end of the cell. “I knew you wouldn’t turn down a good dare.”

“Yeah well, I thought you were sending me to an actual club, not a meat market of naked women getting men off,” she whispered. “What the actual hell, Ava?”

Her giggle filled the other end of the line again and she knew their conversation was going nowhere. “You should totally take advantage of one of those men, Z,” Ava said. “You’re a twenty-five-year-old virgin and it’s time for you to drop that title.” Ava was right but what was she supposed to do? Walking right up to some leather-clad man welding a whip didn’t seem like the best idea. Zara was sure that scenario playing out wouldn’t end well for her.

“I can’t just walk up to a complete stranger and ask him for sex,” Zara spat.

“Oh, I don’t know. You might find some of us complete strangers are open to a little fun, honey. That is why most of us are here.” Zara spun around and found a man standing so close to her, she could feel his breath on her skin. He was sexy as sin, impeccably dressed in a three-piece suit with his light brown hair disheveled as if someone had run their fingers through it already. His blue eyes were what caught her off guard. They were so dark that him looking at her felt as if he could see directly into her soul, even eliciting a shiver from her.

“I’m sorry,” she said, taking a step back from him. “I was having a private conversation with my friend.” She held up the phone as if proving a point. “Ava,” she said into the phone, realizing her so called friend had hung up on her. “Fuck,” she cursed. The sexy man’s smirk was nearly her undoing and she found herself smiling back at him for no real reason.

“Seems your friend had other plans than to talk on the phone all night. You have any other plans Miss—” He looked her up and down as if waiting her out. Zara thought not answering him might be her best bet but the way he looked at her as if he wasn’t giving her an option but to answer, she had no choice.

“Zara,” she answered. He gifted her with his sexy smirk again and she was sure her panties were going to burst into flames from just the scorching way he looked her up and down. It was almost territorial like he was marking her with his gaze.

“Nice to meet you, Zara. I’m Aiden,” he said holding his hand out to take hers. She hesitantly took his offered hand and gave a gentle shake, noting the way he didn’t take his eyes from hers. “Is this your first time here?” he asked. Zara nodded and pulled her hand back from him.

“I’m here because of a stupid dare,” she admitted. God, she sounded like a child and she wished she could take back her words. “Um, I mean my best friend dared me to go out to a club by myself and well, I thought she meant a regular club—you know like dancing and drinks.” Aiden smiled at her and she felt like a giddy schoolgirl. “Instead, she sent me here and well, this wasn’t what I had imagined,” she admitted.

“You don’t sound very happy about being here, Zara. Would you like to leave?” That was a very good question. She looked around the room as if trying to decide her answer. A part of her was curious and she had to admit the chances of her returning were slim to none. What would it hurt to take a look around and maybe get a little bit of experience? No one knew who she was or that she was a virgin, at least she hoped they didn’t. Last time she looked, it wasn’t stamped on her forehead or anything.

“I think I’d like to stay,” she almost whispered. Zara didn’t turn to look at him, fixated on the woman in the corner of the room she saw earlier. The man who had been spanking her while she was strapped to a leather saddle released her bonds and was fucking her from behind, in front of the whole room. People had stopped what they were doing to watch the two of them together and Zara felt like an intruder. She wanted to look away but she couldn’t. They were seriously hot together and the way he commanded her body made Zara feel things she never had before.

“You like watching them?” Aiden whispered into her ear. She nodded and smiled back over her shoulder to where he stood. He was so close again that she wondered if this guy had any personal space boundaries.

“I—I think I do,” she shyly admitted. If she was being completely truthful, she would have told him she wasn’t sure what she liked and didn’t like because she was never with a man before, not in that way. Sure, she had dated her fair share of guys over the years, but working as a nanny didn’t afford her the luxury of meeting too many people on the job. It wasn’t like she could have an office romance or go out for drinks with her co-workers after the day was over. She usually lived with the families she nannied for making it hard for her to have any sort of social life. Zara never really had friends over to the family’s house, not wanting to presume that was all right. Besides Ava, she really didn’t have many other friends but she wasn’t lonely. She loved her work and the families whom she grew to think of as hers especially since she didn’t have one of her own.

“Would you like to try the spanking bench?” Aiden asked.

“Um, shouldn’t we get to know each other first or something?” she questioned. Zara felt silly asking but this whole thing felt completely foreign to her. When she thought about having sex for the first time, she imagined the guy would at least buy her dinner first. Never in her wildest dreams did she think he’d be asking to spank her ass red while she straddled a leather saddle.

Aiden’s chuckle and his warm breath on her shoulder made her shiver. “It was just a question, Zara. Maybe I should have dared you,” he teased, causing her to giggle.

“Accepting dares apparently never ends well for me,” she murmured.

“Well, maybe tonight will be different,” he suggested. “I can help you with that,” he offered. Zara wasn’t sure how this was all supposed to work but she felt foolish asking.

“I’m not sure I’m ready for all of this—” she said, waving her hands wildly about. “It’s just so public,” she admitted. Zara felt like a complete fraud standing in the middle of a sexual playroom with no experience of her own.

“Would you like to get a private room?” he asked. She could tell he was trying for nonchalant, but the way he looked at her so intensely, she knew he was hoping she’d say yes. How could she not? He hadn’t even really touched her yet and she was sure her panties were wet. She wanted Aiden, that was not the question. Why she wanted a complete stranger might be something she should think about but not now. Right now, she wanted to go with Aiden and take him up on his offer. Zara was done being a coward and it was time she did something about it. She was going to do this for herself. She didn’t give a fuck about Ava’s dare and when she walked out of that club tonight, she wouldn’t have to look back or wonder about what if’s because that wasn’t what Aiden was offering her. She might be naïve, but she knew enough to know her handsome stranger was going to give her just what she wanted—a night of strings-free hot sex and that was just fine with her.

“Yes,” she whispered. “I’d like that, Aiden.”
