Page 25 of Wrath

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“Consider?” Bowie asked. “Now, I think that you’re just playing with me. If you’ll excuse us, Captain. I need to speak with your daughter in private.” Bowie picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder in a fireman’s hold.

“Bowie,” she shouted.

“Quiet,” he ordered, giving her ass a swat, “and hold still.” She did as he asked, not bothering to look back at her father as Bowie carted her off the bridge. She just hoped like hell that none of the other crew members saw her being manhandled by a caveman.


He had one mission, and he wasn’t about to blow it now. He planned on getting Eden back, and finding out that she was pregnant with his baby only made him more determined. Getting her father’s permission to marry her was his first hurdle, but Eden was being stubborn and gave him more trouble than he planned on. He just needed to get her alone and remind Eden how good they are together.

“Bowie put me down,” she insisted. He took her into his cabin and shut the door, letting her slide down the front of his body. He loved feeling every inch of her before her feet hit the floor. She looked up at him, and God, she was beautiful when she was pretending to be furious with him.

“Marry me,” he whispered into her ear. Bowie kissed down her neck, just the way he knew that she liked him too. “Please,” he added between kisses.

“You can’t just pick me up and cart me off to have your way with me, every time I don’t give in to you, Bowie,” she scolded.

“I like it when you’re stern with me, honey. It’s like you’re the bossy teacher and I’m your bad boy student,” he teased.

“We are not playing right now, Bowie,” she insisted. “This is serious. How can I know that you really want me to marry you and that you’re not just doing what you feel is right because of the baby?”

He shrugged and smiled down at her. “You don’t,” he said. “You’ll have to just take my word for it. I’m crazy for you, Eden. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Marry me, please,” he said.

She looked up at him, seeming to lose some of her anger. “Oh,” she breathed. “You’re good.”

“Let me remind you just how good I am, honey,” he said. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her lips as if it was the very first time that he was tasting her. Eden tasted like sunshine and everything good in the world. She was perfect for him, and Bowie was about to prove that to her.

“Bowie, we need to be serious and talk about this,” she insisted.

“We can talk later,” he assured. “Right now, I need to show you how much I missed you.” He had gone out of his mind missing her when he got back to his empty house. Bowie thought that she had been taken, or worse, by the Gluttony family and he went half mad searching for her. He almost ruined the alliance that he had made with Bruno and Victor, but he didn’t care at the time. All he wanted to do was find Eden and convince her to come home with him. She was all that mattered to him. After he found out that she was alive and well, living on the syndicate yacht with her father, all he wanted to do was go to her and demand that she tell him what the problem was. He had retraced every step that he had taken with her and not knowing what he did to make her leave was driving him insane. He just never imagined that he’d find out that he’d gotten her pregnant. The thought of her being alone and scared, carrying his child, made him want to make everything up to her. And God, he wanted her to marry him. He wanted to spend the rest of his life making all his stupid mistakes up to her. First, he planned on erasing the statement that he made about not wanting kids or a family because now, that was all he wanted.

“Bowie,” she shouted.

“Okay,” he said, putting a bit of space between them, “what do you want to talk about?” he asked. Talking was the last thing he wanted to do, but if it would lead to her saying yes to his proposal, he’d do it.

“I want to talk about the fact that you seem to keep asking my father’s permission when you should be asking mine. The first day we met, you asked my father to order me to have dinner with you.”

“Right, and look how well that worked out,” he said. Sure, she had given him hell at first, but she finally gave in and had dinner with him. That was the night he knew he was in love with her. They had spent the whole morning talking and when she surprised him for dinner, walking into the dining room wearing that sexy, little sundress that showed off all her curves, he knew that he was a goner.

“Sure, because I finally gave you a chance. And now, you want me to marry you, but you asked my father’s permission first. How do you think that makes me feel?” she asked. Obviously, it made Eden feel angry, but he wasn’t about to use that as his answer.

“I’m sorry if I made you feel anything but completely loved by me, honey. That’s all I want to do—love you. I want to spend my life with you and asking your father for his daughter’s hand in marriage felt like the proper thing to do. I want to do things right with you, honey.”

“Ask me again,” she insisted.

“What?” he questioned.

“Ask me to marry you again,” she insisted.

“Will you marry me, Eden?” Bowie asked. He’d ask her a million times over if it meant that she’d agree to marry him.

Eden pretended to think about his question and watching her made him want to laugh. God, she was perfect for him. “I’ve thought it over,” she said. “I think that I’d like to marry you.”

“You would?” he asked.

“Yes,” she agreed.

Bowie pulled her against his body and pulled her down on top of him. “You’ve made me so happy, honey,” he said. “I can’t wait for us to be a family.” He rubbed his hand over her tummy, and she kissed him.

“I can’t wait for that either, Bowie,” she agreed. She straddled him, pulling her uniform shirt up her body, not bothering with the buttons. “We can stop talking now,” she said.
