Page 8 of Wrath

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“Let me tell Jen that I’m going to clock out and I’ll meet you at your cabin,” she offered.

“Is that your way of sneaking down to my cabin undetected?” he asked. It was, but saying the words out loud made her feel like a teenager sneaking around with a boy, worried that her father would catch her sneaking out.

“It is,” she admitted. “I know it sounds childish, but I’d rather they don’t find out about our sleeping arrangements. Can you keep a secret?” she asked.

“I’d agree to keep a secret from the Pope if it means that you’ll be in my bed all night, honey,” he said.

“You really are a sweet talker,” she grumbled. “I’ll meet you in about fifteen minutes,” she said. “I need to grab a few things from my bunk, on my way down.”

“I’ll see you then,” he agreed. Bowie pulled her up his body until her tiptoes were the only thing touching the floor and kissed her. The kiss wasn’t a simple, “Good night” kiss that she was expecting. No, this kiss scorched her soul and made her promises of everything that he planned on doing with her once she got down to his cabin. And honestly, Eden couldn’t wait.

* * *

Eden snuck down to Bowie’s cabin, those same damn butterflies in her belly as when she stepped into the dining room for dinner. She had made an excuse to the rest of the crew about not feeling the best and wanting to turn in early, but Eden knew that the crew could see straight through her lie. Her only saving grace was that her father had already turned in for the night and she wasn’t going to have to lie to him—for now, at least.

She softly knocked on Bowie’s door and he opened it, pulling her into his room. He didn’t say a single word to her as he took his time to strip her down to nothing. Eden was suddenly very thankful that she had worn her good bra and panties under her fancy dress for dinner.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked, looking her body over.

“Um, maybe you should have asked that before taking off my clothes,” she squeaked. “But I’m good with this,” she assured.

“Thank fuck,” he growled, pulling her down to the bed. She wanted to get him naked, but he was blocking her every move.

“I want to see you too,” she insisted.

“If you undress me now, this will be over before it starts,” he said. “Besides, I thought that maybe we could play some before we get started.”

“Play?” she asked. She knew what he meant, but wanted to hear him tell her exactly what he was going to do to her.

Bowie ran his fingers through her wet folds and moaned. “Yeah, play,” he repeated.

“Only if I get to play with you too,” she insisted. She tried to pin him to the mattress, taking the top position, but his body was too big for her to maneuver her way around. Instead, she kicked her left leg out and knocked a glass of wine off the nightstand, watching it spill all over Bowie’s back.

“Shit,” she shouted. “I’m so sorry. I’m such a klutz.”

He stood from the bed and pulled off his shirt. “It’s fine,” he assured. “I think I’ll take a quick shower to rinse off. You got some on yourself.” He looked down her body and she knew from his sly smirk that he was inviting her to take a shower with him. That was a great idea—she’d be able to play with Bowie as much as she wanted to in the shower.

“I like the way you’re thinking,” she said. Bowie pulled her from the bed and carried her the short distance into the shower. “I can walk, you know.”

“I know, but this is much more fun,” he said, squeezing her ass in his big hands. He was right, it was a lot more fun.

He turned on the water and waited for it to heat before setting her down in the spray. The hot water felt like heaven as she waited for him to finish stripping and join her. “I’m glad that you’re a klutz,” he murmured against her lips as he pushed her back against the cold tile wall. “I wouldn’t be able to do this to you if you hadn’t spilled wine all over me,” he said. Bowie practically lifted her up his body to straddle his impressive cock.

“Playtime’s over then?” she asked.

“Oh, we’re just getting started, honey,” he said. “Once I got you naked, all I wanted to do was be inside of you. I figure we’ll get that over with now and shower off. Then, I plan on taking you back to my bed and playing with you. Will you spend the whole night with me, Eden?” he asked.

“The whole night?” she asked. It was going to take a little bit of stealth, but she would probably be able to spend the night with him and still show up at work in the morning, no one the wiser about where she slept.

“I’d like that,” she agreed.

“Good, then we have lots of time to play,” he said. “But first,” he growled, shoving her back against the wall as he slammed into her body. “I need you.” Hearing him say those words to her did strange things to her heart. A guy had never said those exact words to her and honestly, she felt the same way about him. Getting to know Bowie over the past couple of days made her not only want him but need him too.

“I need you too, Bowie,” she whispered against his lips. “So much,” she panted. Eden was so close to finding her release as he pumped in and out of her body. He was rough with her, and she loved that. Bowie made no apologies for taking what he needed from her, and she wouldn’t ask for any.

He dug his fingers into her fleshy ass as he moved her up and down his shaft and when she cried out his name, finding her release, he quickly followed her over, pressing her body into the wall as he spilled his seed deep inside of her. She had never been so reckless and carefree when it came to sex. She wanted more—hell, she wanted everything from him, but he’d promised her all night. Eden just hoped that he’d be willing to give her more than a night, but that would be a conversation for the morning. Right now, she was going to spend the night with him, giving as good as she got, because tomorrow would come soon enough.

She slid down his body, her shaky legs barely able to hold her weight. “That was hot,” she said, not sure if she had said the wrong thing when he smiled down at her.

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