Page 10 of Just Mr. Love

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Why the hell am I telling him this?

I straighten my back so he knows I mean business. “You’ve caused enough damage to all the families who lost their kids. I can’t understand how you even live with yourself.” He knew exactly what he was peddling to those people. Strength and endurance in exchange for money. The fact that they became his pharma-hostages was a beneficial side effect in his mind.

Suddenly, I realize I’ve said too much. He needs to think I’m on his side so I can get close enough to kill him. “But there is one thing I want. One thing only you can give me in exchange for my blood.”

“Name your price.”

It has to sound believable. It has to be something I’d really want and only he can provide. I need him to let his guard down for two seconds so I can crack his neck. “I want the formula—the complete formula.”

“Deal breaker. You might sell it on your own.”

I already said I wasn’t in it for the money, so if I insist, he won’t bite. “Okay. Then I want enough for my friend. But only after it’s been thoroughly tested and proven safe. No repeat injections. No exploding heart.”

His eyes light up, and he shakes a finger at me. “You want a sidekick.”

“My reasons aren’t your business.”

“You’re right; they’re not. But who doesn’t enjoy juicy drama?”

Me. That’s who.“Can we get on with this? Do we have a deal or not?”

“Yes. We have a deal.” He points to the chair. “I promise you’ll only be out for a few minutes.”

“Morris, I’m not letting you knock me out.”

“Where’s the trust, Huff?”

“Would you let me make you unconscious and take your blood?”

“Fair point.” He pulls a square packet and an empty syringe from his back pocket. “You can take your own blood. Use the pad to disinfect the area first. Don’t want to contaminate the sample.”

This plan also sucks.Maybe I’ll draw my blood and then pounce on him at the handoff.

“Sure. Okay.” He sets the empty syringe next to the other one on the small table and backs away.

I walk over and snatch it up. “I’ve never done this before,” I say, hoping he might volunteer to show me.Come closer, Morris. Just need to kill you.

“You point it toward a vein in your arm, push it in, and pull back the plunger. I only need a few drops.”

Man, I hate needles. I’m talking hate-hate. I think because when I was a preemie, I was stuck like a pig repeatedly. I don’t remember any of it, but subconsciously, the brain stores all our threats and dangers.

You can do this, Huff.Then maybe I can fake passing out. He’ll have to come closer to grab the syringe with my precious blood.

I take the packet and tear it open, swabbing a spot on my inner arm where several plump blue veins are exposed near the skin. I grab the syringe with my shaking hand. My heart feels like it’s about to give out.

Breathe, breathe, breathe.I plunge the needle in and pull back the plunger until a bit of red appears in the cylinder.

Oh no. Blood…Suddenly, the room starts spinning. My vision closes in. The small amount of light turns to black.

The last thing I hear is, “I’m on your side, Huff. We’re going to be good friends.”


“He took your blood and got away?” Kyle says, pacing just outside the airplane hangar back in Mexico. The sun is about to go down, and those men in camo are nowhere to be found. Where’d they all go?

“I wasn’t expecting to draw my own blood, okay?” I’d woken up a few minutes after passing out. Yes, from the sight of my own blood.What a wimp.

Kyle shakes his head, thoroughly disappointed.
