Page 5 of Resisting Rory

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It’s not as if we need any more discord in the family. Aidan’s wife, Madeline, is causing enough aggravation with her increasingly petulant behavior. She was always a bit of a brat, but a year ago, her behavior deteriorated after she killed a man. She and Libby were ambushed at a spa by our Bratva enemies, and Madeline shot one of them. It was a clear case of self-defense, but I guess that hasn’t eased her conscience.

“So, what do you plan to do? Are you going to stare at the lassie until she cracks and spreads her legs for you?”

My jaw twitches in irritation at the way he talks about Eleanor.


What my brother doesn’t realize is that she isn’t just some woman I want to fuck. I want to make her mine in every way, to possess her body and soul. It’s the reason why I’m giving her time to get used to the idea of being with me. She knows I want her. Now I just have to wait until the right opportunity to claim her.

Aidan wouldn’t understand that, though. Both he and my older brother, Ciaran, practically snatched their wives off the street. Andrew didn’t have the most normal courtship with Libby, either. He married her as part of a deal our family made with her asshole of a father. I’d prefer to do things differently.

Of course, if Eleanor doesn’t soften towards me soon, I’ll have to take more drastic action. I may have a lot of patience, but I’m not a saint.

“So, anyway, what’s going on?” I ask Aidan. “Did something happen?”

He told me there were matters we needed to discuss earlier this evening, but wanted to celebrate the opening of Andrew’s new club before getting down to business.

“The Russians hit the warehouse in Camden.”

“Fuck!” We move our guns through that warehouse. They come in from Eastern Europe and we store them for a couple of days before sending them on to our buyers in the United States. “Did they do much damage?”

“Some, but our latest shipment was delayed, so the warehouse was almost empty.”

I turn in my seat to look at him.

“The shipment was delayed?” As his second-in-command, that’s something I should have known about. “Why am I only just hearing this now?”

Aidan lifts a shoulder in a lazy shrug. “I forgot to tell you.”

“You forgot?” Outrage and disbelief mingle in my tone. “How the hell could you forget to tell me?”

“I don’t know. The call came in when you were out and Madeline distracted me, so I forgot.”

“Madeline?” I scrub a hand over my face. “You have got to get to grips with that woman.”

Aidan makes a scoffing sound. “Like you’ve got to grips with Eleanor?”

“That’s different. She doesn’t know enough to bring our whole family down, and I’m not allowing her to distract me from business.”

Aidan nods wearily. “I know. You’re right. I’ll sort things out with Maddie.”

I don’t bother asking him how he intends to do that, but I wish him luck. His wife lives up to the stereotype of the fiery redhead. She’s got a temper few men would want to be on the receiving end of.

In the beginning, the passion between her and Aidan was a positive thing. They sparked each other off and enjoyed sparring. Lately, it’s begun to wear them both down.

My two older brothers and I have a bit of a thing for redheads. It’s our mother’s fault. Fancying herself a bit of a psychic, she once predicted that we’d find happiness with red-haired, green-eyed girls. I guess she wanted us to settle down with Irish lasses.

So far, it hasn’t worked out too well. Aidan and Madeline are nobody’s idea of the perfect marriage. On the other hand, my oldest brother, Ciaran, married Sorcha, whose hair is more of a reddish blonde, and they were very happy together. At least they were until he died in his sleep at far too young an age. Perhaps it will be third time lucky when I put a ring on Eleanor’s finger.

Realizing I’m getting sidetracked, I get back to the original topic. “Were there any casualties at the warehouse?”

“Aye.” Aidan sighs heavily. “Wee Niall took a bullet in the chest. He didn’t make it.”

“Fuck!” I liked Niall. He was only twenty. Thankfully, he wasn’t married and had no kids that I’m aware of, but we’ll need to provide for his mother now he’s gone. “So, what are we doing about it?”

“Jacob and Manus are on it.”

That catches me by surprise. My second youngest brother doesn’t usually get involved in the rougher side of the family business. In fact, his work revolves around our legitimate enterprises. Manus is his bodyguard. He appointed himself to the role when Jacob was in high school. Fuck knows why. I suppose I should be grateful there’s someone looking out for my brother, so I have one less person to worry about.
