Page 6 of Resisting Rory

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“Is that why he wasn’t at the club tonight?” It’s unlike Jacob to have missed the chance to support Andrew. The pair of them are close.

“Aye. They wanted to get straight on it. Manus is Niall’s uncle, or cousin, or something. He’s taking his death personally.”

That explains why Jacob’s getting involved. Loyalty runs both ways. Our people do whatever we require of them and in return, we make sure they’re taken care of.

“Is Jacob up to it?” I love my younger brother, but neither Jacob nor Andrew has the same ruthless streak Aidan and I possess.

“He may not always act like it, but he’s still our father’s son,” Aidan says. “He’ll bring one of those Bratva assholes in.”

“Aye, you’re right,” I concede. Jacob’s seen enough violence to know what’s expected of him. Besides, Manus will do most of the dirty work. “So, what to we do in the meantime?”

“Well, I’m going home to get some sleep and you’re going to see Trudy.”

“Trudy?” She runs one of our most lucrative brothels. “What the fuck for?”

He’d better not be about to suggest I fuck one of the whores to get Eleanor off my mind, because that’s not going to happen.

“A massage,” Aidan says. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed your leg is hurting.”

I could deny it, yell at him for trying to mollycoddle me, but I don’t. The truth is, I am in considerable pain. There’s an ache deep in the muscle of my right thigh and a massage will help ease that, if only in the short term.

“Aye, okay. A quick trip to Trudy’s couldn’t hurt.”

Aidan gives me a sideways glance. “Maybe you could get your blue balls taken care of while you’re there.”

“Worry about your own blue balls,deartháir.” I can’t imagine Madeline is satisfying his baser needs right now. “I’m just fine.”

“Are you?” Aidan says skeptically. “Because from where I’m sitting, you’ve found the woman you want and you’re doing nothing to lock her down.”

“I’ll make a move when I’m good and ready.”

“And when will that be?” he demands.

“Why is it such a big deal?” I can’t understand why he’s trying to push me.

“I just want to see everyone settled.”

“Why? Are you dying?”

Aidan glares at me. “No, but I think it’s time everyone stopped fucking around and started to build the kind of life our parents had. We need a solid foundation for the future.”

The obvious retort would be to tell him to look to his own marriage first, but I know he’s trying his best with Madeline, and I’m not about to hit him below the belt.

“Jacob’s not even seeing anyone. Why don’t you hassle him?”

“I’ve got plans for Jacob.”

“Oh? And what are those?”

“You’ll find out soon enough.”

I hate it when my brother acts all mysterious, but if he doesn’t want to share what he’s up to, I’m not in the mood to try to pry it out of him.

He pulls up outside Trudy’s house. As I’m getting out, he calls after me.

“If you want the girl, do something about it or I will, you hear me?”

“Aye,deartháir,I hear you.”
